Monday, September 24, 2012

2012.09.24 Monday Morning Message

 Thinking Allowed....or is it?

"Let's get one thing straight right from the beginning. I'm right and you're wrong. It's just that simple."
It seems to me that as a culture we are moving more and more in the direction of distilling everything down to simple formulas that eventuate in the "I'm right and you're wrong" mentality. We see it in abundance in the social media. People choosing sides and stating with great vigor their opinion, chastising anyone who disagrees. We hear it 24/7 from the talking heads on the television. To many of them it's all black or white, right or wrong, plain and simple.
I struggle with this approach for many reasons. I'll list a couple of them.

  • First this "I'm right and you're wrong" approach seems dishonest to me. I don't believe many of the issues we discuss are that simple. I think there are more than 50 shades of grey and I believe we are called to find our faith in the midst of the tension that is created by these grey areas. Life is just not that clear cut. I wish it was. I want it to be. But neither my experience nor my understanding of the Scriptures leads me to believe it is.
  • Second, this approach fosters division rather than community. After determining which "camp" we're in, it's not that much of a stretch to decide that those in the other camp are now enemies. This seems so contrary to the message of the gospel.

So, today I am going to try to take the advice of the Bible and listen more, speak less and try to foster community in midst of all the ambiguities of life. I think it was the Reverend Grady Nutt who said 
"the best thing about community is I can put my spots next to your stripes and we can celebrate being on the same quilt." 
 May it be so.

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, only in expressing his opinion." Proverbs 18:2
"Know this beloved, let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger." James 1:19

Ken Bailey

Monday, September 17, 2012

2012.09.17 Monday Morning Message

Greetings from Vinita, Oklahoma:

It was 130 years ago that someone had the insight to name this church the Pilgrim Presbyterian Church.  I love the name.  I love the fact that it implies that we are still searching, moving, traveling, learning, changing, growing.  We really are pilgrims, people on a journey.  And this is not just a sightseeing trip.  No, we’re headed somewhere.   And we’re going together.  But as we all know, pilgrims have to carry baggage and sometimes it gets heavy.  And sometimes we get confused about where we are going, or we have differences of opinion about the best way to reach our destination.  And sometimes it just gets so dark that it seems the path has disappeared.  These things slow us down.  But Pilgrims keep moving.

We are moving in the direction of being the people God has called us to be.  We are moving in the direction of being transformed by the grace of God, revealed to us so beautifully through Jesus Christ.  We are moving in the direction of finding the best way to share the Gospel, to live the gospel, to be the Gospel.  So, if you are tired, that’s okay.  Rest up.  If you have lost touch with fellow pilgrims, give someone a call, reconnect.  If you need help with your burdens, let us know.  We’re all in this together.  And our leader promises us the strength and the light we need to make the journey.


Ken Bailey


Session Meeting, Wed. Sept 19 - 7:00

"Daniel Bailey Concert"
Vinnie Ream Cultural Center
to help benefit the Vinnie Ream Center
Thursday, Sept. 20
7:00 p.m.

Vinita area churches are coming together to promote
"A Team of One, Unity in our Community"

Vinita High School Football Stadium
Feeding the football team, coaches, trainers, band, cheerleaders, pom and dance team from both Vinita and Oologah schools.
4:00 p.m. Friday, September 21, 2012
If you would like to donate cookies, ice, etc.,  help serve or need more information call Robert Sanders at 918-244-2304

Sunday, September 9, 2012

2012.09.10 Monday Morning Message

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

Greetings from Vinita Oklahoma. Around here we woke up this morning to an absolutely beautiful day. As I looked out the window and surveyed the landscape I was reminded of the fact that we need to be good stewards of this creation which God has placed us in charge of. I also thought about how difficult it is to just sit still and be present in the moment. I tried to do that as I enjoyed the view from the bedroom window. In Gardening by Heart May Sarton says,

“Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of the need for us to slow down enough to be present in the moment. nature is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace. The garden door is always open to the holy.”
I like the phrase “slow circles of nature.” It is so easy for us to get distracted and become emotionally detached from the earth. In doing so we run the risk of moving further away from our connection with the divine. We override the slow circles of nature by creating our own pace and our own path. This makes it easy for us to forget who and whose we are. Makes it easy for us to lose our way or get worn out, or both.

Here’s my hope. My hope is that all of us will slow down a bit and focus on the beauty of God’s creation. I hope we will work to recognize the natural rhythm of life and allow that rhythm to become our rhythm. Oh what a beautiful morning.

This is my first Monday Morning Message. As the new pastor of Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, I am thankful to be here. It’s nice to feel like you are doing what you should be doing in the place you should be doing it. This is a wonderful gathering of people and I am happy to be part of this church family.


Ken Bailey



Monday, June 25, 2012

2012.06.25 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and warm regards from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

If you could, would you turn the clock back?  A columnist, writing in the Tulsa World, wrote "Maybe while praying for the America we want, we can remember the America we had."  Those words awakened my memory, and I realized that we must not live in the past. We can use the past for guidance and inspiration, but we can't go back.  We must go forward or we perish.  To live is to change.  The one thing that does not change is a fossil, and a fossil has been dead for a long time.  We should not fear change.

  • I remember the scourge of tuberculosis and polio epidemics, and I wouldn't want to go back to them.
  • I remember when Presbyterians would not ordain women ministers and when anyone who sold alcoholic drinks was barred from membership, and when the Revised Standard Version of the Bible was assailed as heresy, and I wouldn't want to put the clock back for any of that.

To live is to change, and we ought not fear that.

With blessings and in friendship.


We were blessed to have Brian Dishman and his family  in church yesterday.  He and his wife Motoko and daughter Rina live in Japan.  Rina played a special piano piece for our church service.  Also, Brad, his wife Edith and daughter Madison were in attendance.  We had a pew full of Dishmans.

SUNDAY, July 1
Drinks and meat will be provided.
Bring a side dish and join us for a delicious meal.
Following morning worship at 10:00.

The Reverend Nancy Covington will be here.
All are invited to Communion.
Liz Logan will prepare the communion elements and invite 2 Elders or Deacons to help serve.
Sue Ratcliff is Worship Asst. for July.

Monday, June 18, 2012

2012.06.18 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

"Prayer doesn't work for me," said a friend last week, "and, I've given up praying."  Sound familiar?  A great many people stop praying because they think it doesn't work.  Perhaps they have the wrong idea about praying.

Prayer is not God doing things for us, it is God helping us to do things for ourselves.  Prayer does not change circumstances which face us, but prayer does enable us to confront those circumstances with new strength and courage.  Prayer helps us to meet our difficulties in a new way.

God listens to our prayers at any time of day or night.  Prayer should not be practiced only in times of crisis and emergency, but in our everyday life.  "Help me to help others" is a good prayer to remember.

With blessings and in friendship,


Kitty sent in this quote from Theodore Roosevelt

"Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care."

Monday, June 11, 2012

2012.06.11 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma

I've got a question for you.  Have you ever heard the word "NONES"?  It is a new word for me describing people who say 'None' when asked their religious identity.  This group, (now 15% of Americans, up from 8% in 1990) opts out of traditional religious groups, according to a new American Religious Identification Survey.  (ARIS)

Are there any 'Nones' in your family?  There are in mine.

What is the reason for the rapid growth of the 'Nones'?  There are many reasons, I'm sure, but let me suggest a few.

First, most of us, and our families, have heard the Bible stories so often that there is a deadening influence of familiarity in them.  The cutting edge is gone.  Can this be changed?

Yes, it can be changed by new methods of presentation and communication. Too often churches are dying of dignity and some noble but ancient human crafted creeds and doctrines.

Second, new methods of presentation and communication are not ends in themselves.  They are means toward an awakened consciousness of what the Gospel means in the real, ever changing world.

For me, the test of the Gospel is the kind of life it produces.  I was asked by a "Nones' which were my favorite Bible texts and I replied 'that is too difficult to give a complete answer'  but these two are basic to my life and faith:

Micah 6:6-8 
Luke 10:25-28 and continuing through verse 37

Good reading.

With Blessings and in Friendship,



BINGO AT BURROUGHS MANOR - Saturday, June 1 - 2:00 - 3:00 - Volunteers are needed

Session and Deacons meet this Sunday, June 17
Jeff Francis will preach and moderate Session

Craig Kilgour will be here the following Sunday, June 24

Regarding Richard:
Please keep Richard in your prayers as he has more tests to see if he can qualify for the new valve replacement procedure, then makes a decision to proceed with the surgery.  He says he is taking a step at a time and knows that God will lead him in the right decision.

Monday, June 4, 2012

2012.06.04 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and all good wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Vinita Oklahoma.

The death of Charles (Chuck) Colson, at the age of 80 is a reminder that while we may see the worst in a person, God sees the best.  Colson was deeply involved in the Watergate scandal, which forced President Nixon to resign.  Mr. Colson went to prison and there the Holy Spirit transformed, changed his life.

After serving a prison term, Mr Colson created the Prison Fellowship Ministries in 1976, to minister to prisoners and their families.

God believed in Charles Colson, incredible as that first appeared when he was a hatchet man for President Nixon.  God saw "the possible Colson" though most of the country saw only Colson's outward appearance of a crook.

The Bible is full of people whose lives were transformed, changed - Moses, Jacob, David, 'The Prodigal Son', Paul.  God  believes in us and God will affect transformation in our lives if we but let him.

God sees in each of us a capacity for creative vision if we will to receive it as a gift from the Lord of all life.  Our choices are so important.

With blessings, and with faith that you will put your faith in the One who sees your possibilities.


If you were not able to attend our worship service yesterday, we missed you and you missed a wonderful Sunday.  We had 60 in attendance, compared to 22 last Sunday.
The Reverend Ken Bailey conducted the service
 and vocal trio (Makin Memories)  sang for us and
 Madison Dishman played her recorder while Joyce Dishman
 accompanied her on the organ.

Then we  had a delicious family meal with lots of fellowship.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


These pictures were taken by Brad Dishman, of the Sunday Services for June 3rd as well as our Family Fellowship meal.  We hope you enjoy these pictures!

Ken Bailey is the Minister

Jim Shelton is Worship Assistant

Madison Dishman and Joyce Dishman, musicians.

Makin Memories, vocal trio.
Micki Mulcare, Pat Campbell, Sue Nell Shuck with accompanist Kenny Glasgow and (one more dear lady whose name I still need!!)

Also some pictures at our family fellowship meal.

Monday, May 28, 2012

2012.05.28 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and all good wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

Last Monday I wrote about loneliness in our American society.  Sixty million Americans are unhappy with their lives because of l.

Being alone is not necessarily being lonely.  We all need time to be alone.  Jesus often took time to be alone to refresh his spirit, to relax his body, before returning to engagement with people.

It is when we sever connections with others that loneliness grips us.  To move from being alone to connection with God and people is to overcome loneliness.

It is interesting that in the Genesis account of creation God said "It is good" after each act. (Read Genesis chapter 1)  It is after God created a man (Adam) that God for the time time said "it is not good" is not good that a person live without connection.

How can we overcome loneliness?  By being connected with people and causes that are important.  The by-product of connections is happiness and loneliness runs away.

Rabbi Gafni, in his book Soul Prints, reminds us that happiness cannot be pursued for its own sake.  We must pursue goals other than happiness and as a by-product of our pursuit, we will be happy and loneliness will dissolve.

How much time do you spend exchanging your deepest thoughts and aspirations with another person?  How much time do you give in sharing your talents with others?  

With blessings and in friendship,


Church email:

On Sunday, June 3 join us for a family meal following morning worship.    Ken Bailey will be our guest minister.  Ken is the brother of Bow Bailey.  He and his wife Jeannie will be here to share our meal. 

Red Morris is barbecuing pulled pork and the congregation is asked to bring salads and desserts.

Pilgrims Progress May 2012


Voice of the Pilgrim Presbyterian Church
Vinita, Oklahoma

May, 2012

A Pastoral Letter from the Sidelines

Dear friends,

There is a lot of gloom and doom talk regarding the future of our Presbyterian Church, but that is not going to trump the vision and enthusiasm evident in Pilgrim Presbyterian Church!

Well do I remember our first meeting. Toni Moore, then chairperson of the Worship Committee, invited me to preach at a Sunday service in April 2005 - 7 years ago! There were eleven people in the congregation that morning. After the service, Jim Ratcliff approached me, and in a persuasive way said “we need you.”

Session took a risk and invited me “an old man” to be your “temporary supply pastor”. I accepted and I’m glad I did.
Working together, faith in action has infused new life into our beloved Church. Session, Deacons and our Committee of Mission and Outreach, chaired by Joyce Dishman, deserve much credit for renewal. Through the efforts of the Rev. Judy Hendedrson we are participating in mission in far away Malawi, Africa.

Brian Dishman and Jewell Morgan get kudos for making possible an outreach ministry, “Off Site-On Line”, which connects Pilgrim Church with hundreds of people each week.

Our “Monday at Ten” fellowship at Burroughs Manor, and the Deacons monthly sponsored “Bingo” afternoon at the Manor, have both been well received by our good friends next door. And, what a joy to see how many of you have supported our ecumenical relations with St. John’s Episcopal Church and the Salvation Army.

The Christian life is one of “good tidings of great joy.” You’ve got it. Don’t lose it. There are many challenges ahead. I only wish I could be with you as you meet them in a positive, exciting way.

Bless you and thank you for your kindness and support, especially in this past year, which has been a tough one for me.

With fond regards, always,



Please remember the following individuals in your daily prayers:

Richard Evans – Our minister

Dilys Evans – Richard's daughter

Mary Draper – Church member

Melba Shelton - Church member

Shirley Spaulding - Church member

John and Louise Gullett – Janie's parents 

Patricia Hemphill – Friend of the Church

Larry Skaggs – Friend of Todd Mariner

Bill Montgomery - Friend of Toni’s 

Men and women serving in the military forces, and their families


Session Members

(Class of ’12) Joyce Dishman, Wally Olson, Jim Shelton

(Class of '13) Keith Cresap, Sue Ratcliff, Fred York

(Class of ’14) Sarah Bruce, Kitty Brown, Irene Conine


(Class of ’12) Jim Dishman, Dianne Rapp

(Class of '13) Jeanne Cowley, Jan Clark-Haney, Toni Moore

(Class of ’14) Liz Logan, Shirley Spaulding 

Church Trustees

Wally Olson 2012
Keith Cresap 2013
Kitty Brown 2014 

Church email: 

17 Lawrence Noggle
20 Jan Clark-Haney
26 Jim Ratcliff

28 Mark Curnutte 

Birthday Sunday is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the month.

Birthday Sunday Assignments:

May - Sarah Bruce

June - Shirley Rapp
July - Sue Ratcliff
August - Jan Clark
September - Janie York
October - Linda Burger
November - Toni Moore
December - Jeanne Cowley

(Bring cake & check on juice for children) 

 Melba Shelton’s address is 821 N. Foreman #115


Graduation Celebrations !

May 13 was the celebration of Vinita High School graduates Caitlyn Spurgeon and Madison Kroll. We are especially proud of these two young ladies.

Caitlyn was crowned Basketball queen and Madison was crowned Football queen this past year.

Caitlyn Spurgeon is the daughter of John and Cindy (Cresap) Spurgeon. Her activities and honors include: being named to the All-State basketball team, becoming Vinita’s all time leading scorer in basketball, track, cross country, NHS and Senior Rotarian. She was also Valedictorian of her class.

Madison Kroll is the daughter of Chris and Julie (York) Osborn. Madison is a model in addition to being a football and track trainer. She works for the Linda Layman Agency, where she models and teaches. Recently she was offered a contract from Cing Deux Un, a modeling agency in Tokyo, Japan. Her plans after high school aren’t completely set in stone but for the moment she is thinking about going to Japan, where she will probably model all the time and if she likes it will sign a contract. She is excited about seeing that part of the world. She stated that if she doesn’t like it she will come back home and go to college. 

Excerpt from a letter from General Presbyter, Greg Coulter:

“I am challenging each congregation in this presbytery to do something, anything, just one thing new between now and the end of the year which advances the gospel message in your community. It has to be something you haven’t done before and it has to reach out to someone who isn’t already attending your church.

Have some fun; experiment; trust in the Holy Spirit to bless and multiply your efforts. Then let me know what you did and how it worked out!”

Grace and Peace,


  • The Deacon's met on Sunday April 15th. Everyone was present but Jan. 
  • We made plans to celebrate Mother's day and our graduates on May 13th. Madison Kroll and Caitlyn Spurgeon will be honored as well as all the Mother's. Cake and punch will be served after church.
  • We also talked about our July Pot Luck dinner. More on that meal after our May meeting. 
  • Bingo at Burroughs will play in May and June and then take a break until Sept. The residents really enjoy seeing some new faces and playing bingo is taken very serious. In April we had two bingo on blackout, first time that has happened. Jewell, Liz, Toni and Diane were the bingo helpers. Next bingo is May 19th.

Ministers for May/June

6 - Nancy Covington
13 - Craig Kilgour
20 - Greg Coulter
27 - Craig Kilgour

June 3 - Ken Bailey

Tearful Farewells:

Chris and Julie (York) Osborn have accepted teaching positions in Hennessey, Oklahoma. Chris will be the Athletic Director and Julie will teach elementary school. The family will be sorely missed. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

2012.05.21 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma. 

Founded in 1871, Vinita is the intersection of several railways. It is the second oldest town in Oklahoma, and is the oldest incorporated town along historic Route 66. If you are visiting on a Sunday morning, please worship with us at 10:00 a.m. If you can't be with us in person, say a little prayer for our worshipping congregation.

Do you ever feel lonely? I was stunned to read a report of an AARP survey which states that 35% of adults over the age of 45 are chronically lonely, up from 20% a decade earlier.

Sixty million Americans are unhappy with their lives because of loneliness!

I am sure that there are many reasons for people feeling lonely. Could the modern social media be one? Facebook and Twitter, exchanging 'clicks', avoids human face to face conversation. Some studies report that one in four Americans have 'zero close friends'.

Why do you think there is so much loneliness in our society? Let me know.

Are you conscious of the presence of God in your daily life?

With all good wishes,


  • Our minister for Pentecost Sunday, May 27 will be Craig Kilgour. He is the minister from New Zealand.
  • The next Sunday, June 3 we will have a family meal and welcome Ken Bailey and his wife Jeannie. Ken is the brother of Bow Bailey and they live in Kentucky.
  • Red Morris will be barbecuing pulled pork and the congregation is asked to bring salads and desserts. The rest of the meal is provided.

Monday, May 14, 2012

2012.05.14 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

Bible wisdom asserts that people have powerful hungers that will not be satisfied by bread alone.  (Deuteronomy 8:3).  We, human beings have other hungers.  Be be aware of them, and to act upon them, makes life rich and splendid.

What are those hungers, you might ask?

Well, don't you have a hunger for love and affection?  Without them you"ll shrivel and die in spirit.

And, there are other hungers which make us fully human.  We hunger to be needed, to be useful and vital in some life other than our own  That hunger tells us that we need to perform some tasks that enrich our church, our community, our circle of friends.

I wish more people experienced a hunger for contributing a little kindness and goodness.  That would renew faith and go a long way toward increasing tolerance and civility.

While it is important to be aware of the millions of people who don't get enough to eat, it is important to nourish our souls with that which has imperishable meaning, and which gives us dignity and self-respect.

With blessings and in friendship,



Bingo at Burroughs Manor Sat. May 19 - 2:00 - 3:00
Helpers are needed.

Next Sunday is Birthday Sunday.  We celebrate Lawrence Noggle, Jan Clark, Mark Curnutte and Jim Ratcliff.

Session and Deacons meet after worship and birthday cake.
Fran Callaway, our Moderator will conduct the Morning Worship and Session meeting.

I will be out of the office Tues-Thurs and will return on Fri.

Monday, May 7, 2012

2012.05.7 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

Last week I recommended a book, Soul Prints*(See note Below), by Rabbi Marc Gafni and quoted his word about happiness. Today, I share a story from Soul Prints*. I hope you'll feel "the tug" of its meaning for your life as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

"It was Timothy's twelfth birthday. He had saved up enough money to buy himself a present...a big red kite. The happiest kid in the world, he went out and began to fly his new kite.

"There were great winds that day, and he let out some string, and a little more string, and a little more, until the kite was so high and far away you couldn't even see it anymore. When you looked at the boy, all you could see was a happy kid running with a string in his hand.

"A very respectable and rational looking man in a business suit came upon the boy and stopped him. 'Son, what are you doing?' he asked.

"What do you mean, sir?" Timothy asked. "I'm flying a kite!"

"Flying a kite? What do you mean? I don't see a kite. You don't see a kite. How do you know there's a kite?"

Timothy looked at the man very gravely. "I know there's a kite, sir - because I can feel the tug."

Do you feel the tug of Christ?

With blessings and in friendship.


Next Sunday, May 13 is Mother's Day. We will celebrate all Mothers and the graduation of Madison Kroll and Caitlyn Spurgeon with cake and punch in the church kitchen. Craig Kilgour will be here to conduct the morning worship service. He is the pastor from New Zealand. Please plan to attend and help us celebrate.



* If you are interested in more information on this book, please follow the link below. It is the personal web site of Rabbi Marc Gafni. It has a lot of information on Self Development!

Also as an avid fan of audio books, I have included a link to the Audio Book of Soul Prints below as well. It is read by the author and includes some of the songs he sings. This is something you can't get from the print edition! Enjoy both!


Monday, April 30, 2012

2012.04.30 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, in Vinita, Oklahoma.

In the 1990's, my wife, Helen and I lived in the Lake Chapala area of Mexico, where I served as a "volunteer in mission" at an English speaking congregation, "The Little Chapel".

One Sunday morning I met a couple from North Carolina, snowbirds" as winter visitors were called.  Two weeks later I received a book from the couple, Soul Prints, by Rabbi Marc Gafney, an American living in Jerusalem.

I don't expect that I'll ever see this couple, but I'll be thankful as long as I live for their gracious gift.  
Soul Prints is a book which I highly recommend.

If, as I believe, most people do what they do in hope of finding happiness, in finding some sense of well being described by the word happiness.

Rabbi Gafney struck a deep chord in me when he wrote "happiness cannot be pursued...happiness is only achievable as a by-product of the pursuit of important goals - goals other than happiness itself."

Reading this, I remembered a line from Robert Burns that goes something like this:

"Believe me, happiness is shy,  And comes not aye when sought, man."

There are two pearls of wisdom for you to think about today.
If all we do is done for ourselves and our own, life becomes increasingly empty.

With blessings and in friendship,


The Reverend Nancy Covington will be in the pulpit this Sunday, May 6.  Communion will be served.

Keith Cresap is Worship Assistant.    The following Sunday, May 13 we celebrate the high school graduations of Madison Kroll land Caitlyn Spurgeon.  Also, we celebrate Mother's Day.

Monday, April 23, 2012

2012.04.23 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and all good wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma.

A young cynic was depressed by the evil and suffering in the world.  He complained, "Why did God make a world like this?  I could make a better world than this."

His wise teacher answered, "That's exactly the reason God put you into the make a better world.  Now, go and do your part."

The Christian gospel is about changed lives, renewed faith.  Though dependent upon God, God gave us the gift of free will, and God depends on us to choose wisely.  God cannot make a peaceful nation and world unless we root out hatred from our hearts.  God cannot build healthy families unless we work with God to bring sharing love and mutual respect to our relationships.  God needs each one of us.

Now, go and do your part!

With blessings and in friendship,

Our minister this Sunday, April 29 will be the Reverend Jo Wright from St. John's Episcopal, Vinita.

Monday, April 16, 2012

2012.04.16 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma.

Holy Week, the most significant week of the Christian calendar, is a drama that portrays life in three acts.

Jesus endured the stress of his arrest and trial, and then was hoisted to a cross to hang in excruciating  pain.  To be sure he was dead, soldiers, with a spear, pierced his side.  Then he was laid in a borrowed tomb, sealed by a large boulder.

The world of his disciples, and those earliest followers of Jesus, collapsed.  When the women went to the tomb on Easter morning to annoint his dead body they found the tomb was empty.  They discovered that Jesus was alive, their Lord and Master was free.

When the disciples got this report, they dismissed it as an idle tale.  But after the report of the women was confirmed, they came alive again!  Jesus was risen from the dead.  Jesus was free!  With that good news, the spirit of the disciples was restored.

How often are you really down?  When everything seems to go wrong, when you are disappointed, when you are in the pits,  Jesus comes with a helpful word or a kind act and you are inspired again.

Let Easter be your year round experience.  Through us, Jesus wants to work to help people, to free people, to cheer the lonely and to heal the afflicted, and to guide the lost.

God needs each of us and we can be joined in a partnership with God, through the living Christ.  Let's not run away from the important part we have in God's plan.

With blessings and fond regards,



Bingo at Burroughs Manor Sat. April 21 - 2:00 - 3:00
Helpers are needed

The Reverend Craig Gibson will be in the pulpit this Sunday April 22
(we refer to him as the one who brings his kids)

Please plan to attend.

Attendance April 1 -- 31
April 8 (Easter) -- 79
April 15 -- 32

Monday, April 9, 2012

2012.04.09 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and all good wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Vinita, Oklahoma.

One note is sounded repeatedly by early Christians in the post-Easter period, and that note is 'LIGHT!" Christians are called out of darkness into God's marvelous light.

There is an old story, which I like, which is a simple, direct explanation of why discipleship is effective.

A little girl was in the 'big church' for the first time. She had been attending Sunday School, but this morning she sat with her parents in the large, beautiful sanctuary.  She was fascinated by the stained glass windows and asked her mother "Who are those people in the windows?"  "They are saints" the mother whispered.

Some time later the mother went to call on Mrs. Brown, an old family friend, and the little girl went with her.  As the story goes, Mrs. Brown didn't have much money.  She lived alone, and though poor, she was about the happiest person anyone knew.

As the mother and daughter returned home, the mother said "Mrs. Brown is a saint if ever there was one."  The little girl was perplexed.  The people in the stained glass windows were saints and Mrs. Brown was a saint.  What possible connection was there between Mrs. Brown and the people in the stained glass windows?

Finally, the little girl said to her mother, "I know what a saint is! A saint is a person who lets the light shine through"

Christians are people who let the spirit of Jesus shine through their lives.

With blessings and in friendship,

We had 79 in attendance yesterday, Easter Sunday. It was a lovely service with the Rev. Ray Hickman, children's bell choir, Suzy sang and the children had an Easter egg hunt.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pilgrim's Progress April 2012


Voice of the Pilgrim Presbyterian Church
Vinita, Oklahoma             April, 2012

A Pastoral Letter from the Sidelines

Dear friends,

While young people often rebel against rules for life, seniors may try to avoid them altogether.

I have four rules for life which are important to me. 

First: I believe we must KEEP ON LEARNING.
There is nothing like a new interest to keep us alert and young! 

What matters most is not so much what we do as to how we do it.

Don’t take persons you love for granted. If you love people, tell them with the unexpected word or unexpected gift.

Jesus said “If you love me you will keep my commandments.” (John 14:15). To be a Christian we must be a follower of Jesus. 

Keep on learning, keep on working, keep on loving, keep on following Jesus Christ. I’ve found these to be four good rules for life.

With blessings and all good wishes,


The Greatest of all human needs is the need to be needed, the need to feel that one matters to someone.”



Please remember the following individuals in your daily prayers:

Richard Evans – Our minister
Dilys Evans – Richard's daughter
Mary Draper – Church member
John and Louise Gullett – Janie's parents
Hemphill – Friend of the Church
Joan Dirmyer – Relative of the Noggles
Dee Ann George – friend of the Rapps
Larry Skaggs – Friend of Todd Mariner
Bill Montgomery - Friend of Toni’s
Men and women serving in the military forces, and their families

Session Members Deacons
  (Class of ’12) (Class of ’12)
Joyce Dishman Jim Dishman   
  Wally Olson Dianne Rapp
 Jim Shelton
(Class of '13) (Class of '13)
  Keith Cresap Jeanne Cowley
    Sue Ratcliff Jan Clark-Haney
Fred York              Toni Moore
(Class of ’14) (Class of ’14)
Sarah Bruce              Liz  Logan
    Kitty Brown Shirley Spaulding
Irene Conine

Church Trustees
Wally Olson 2012
Keith Cresap 2013
Kitty Brown 2014

Church email:
Church blog:


14 Jim Shelton
27 Pam Noggle
Birthday Sunday is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
Birthday Sunday Assignments:
April - Kitty Brown
May - Sarah Bruce
June - Shirley Rapp
July - Sue Ratcliff
August - Jan Clark
September - Janie York
October - Linda Burger
November - Toni Moore
December - Jeanne Cowley
(Bring cake & check on juice for children)
Mary Draper’s address is:
St. Simeon’s, 3701 N. Cincinnati, Tulsa, 74106

The 2012 Distinguished Service Award went to Judith M (Judy) Henderson.

The Reverend Judy Henderson’s ministry journey has traversed the globe, from China while still a seminary student to her current work in Africa.

With degrees in history and computer science and a certificate in Chinese language and culture, she became a commissioned lay pastor in Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery in 1994.  Following graduation from Austin Seminary in 1997, she served in both installed and interim positions.  Now honorably retired, she continues to teach, preach, and serve on EOP Committee on Ministry.

A new chapter in her ministry began in 2006 when she began teaching at the University of Livingstonia in the southeastern African country of Malawi.  In 2008 she was installed as associate pastor of Livingstonia Mission Station Church.  As moderator of a partnership between EOP and the University of Livingstonia, she organized delegations from Malawi to Oklahoma.

Last winter she coordinated the on-site distribution of the contents of a transoceanic container filled with goods for Livingstonia Mission Station and Livingstonia University, a mission project of Olympia Washington Presbytery Malawi Mission Committee.  Goods included a generator for the College of Education kitchen, an internet system for long distance learning, bicycles, and medical equipment for two mission hospitals plus the Malawi government.

Judy continues to speak and lead workshops on her experiences in Malawi.
  She and her husband, David, have 3 adult children.  She enjoys gardening, reading, walking, and swimming and celebrated her  “retirement” by navigating the U. S. Olympic level-5 white rapids course in northern Georgia.

Session Notes
Session met March 18 with 7 Elders, Treasurer Terry Brown and Moderator Fran Callaway present.
Terry’s treasurer’s report follows:  Beginning balance was $77,984.55.  Total receipts were $4,689.39, expenditures were $4,429.55, and the closing balance was $78,244.39.
Under the Pastor’s Report was the death of long-time member Anna Belle Mitchell on March 3, 2012.  Services were conducted on March 5, 2012, with Pastor Dr. Helen Hutchison of Miami’s First Presbyterian Church officiating and Dr. David Wilson assisting.  
Presbytery has asked that each church prepare a Manual of Operations, and Jim Shelton and Terry Brown have a formed a committee to work on this project. 
Trustee Keith Cresap has been overseeing the sale of the Allensworth property for $7,500.  Also, some of the sanctuary lights are being repaired or replaced.
Irene, Chair of the Worship Committee, is circulating a list of ministers who have filled the pulpit during the last few months so that members can note who they would like to hear again with the goal of selecting aTemporary Supply Pastor.
Session reviewed the Burroughs Manor Annual Financial Statement as of December, 31, 2011.  The report was prepared by accountant Chris Conine.
The annual church audit will be conducted by accountants from Bob Hartley’s office.
The worship assistant for April will be Keith Cresap, and Communion will be prepared on April 1st by Fred York.
Sue Ratcliff, Clerk of Session


 2012 Communion Preparation

Elders & Deacons
April - Fred York
May - Jim Dishman
June - Dianne Rapp
July - Liz Logan
August - Jim Shelton
September - Irene Conine
October - Jeanne Cowley
November - Sarah Bruce
December - Shirley Spaulding


Session and Deacons meeting Sunday April 15.  Moderator is Craig Kilgour.

2012 Worship Assistants
March - Irene Conine
April - Keith Cresap
May - Joyce Dishman
June - Wally Olson
July - Sue Ratcliff
August - Jim Shelton
September - Kitty Brown
October - Sarah Bruce
November - Irene Conine
December - Elders Share


To glorify God through worship, service, and prayer.
To know God's redeeming love and forgiveness
To nurture each other through fellowship and education

Easter Lilies

to beautify the church chancel

were given by:

Terry and Kitty Brown in memory of R. S. Kennedy and Leoma Brown
Irene Conine in honor of children and grandchildren
Jeanne Cowley in memory of Donald Cowley and Kent Cowley.
Jim and Joyce Dishman
Liz Logan in memory of Dorothy Logan.
Jewell Morgan in memory of Bill Morgan, James and Ruth Humble and Jeane Humble Martin.
Jim and Sue Ratcliff in memory of Hugh, Ruth and Bobby Ratcliff and Howard and Florence Nichols.
Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in memory of Helen Evans.


We had 79 in attendance on Easter Sunday.  The Rev. Ray Hickman conducted the special service.  Keith Cresap did a great job as Worship Assistant. Suzy sang “Good Morning” and the “Irish Benediction”.  The children’s bell choir, consisting of ten children  performed 3 songs.  Also, Irene made sure the children had an  Easter egg hunt.  She stuffed the eggs then hid them in the basement since the grass was still wet outside.  Carson and Caitlyn Spurgeon  were on hand to help with the 12 children who participated in the egg hunt.

Sunday was Birthday Sunday.  We celebrated Jim Shelton and Pam Noggle.  Kitty made the delicious chocolate sheet cake with jelly beans on top.

Dwight Mission summer camp brochures are available in the Narthex.

BINGO AT BURROUGHS MANOR - Saturday, April 21 from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.  A caller, cookies and helpers are needed.  Call the church office or Toni Moore at 256-3743 if you would like to help.

~~~~~ Notice ~~~~~

Since the upstairs restroom is Ladies/Gents, please lock the door behind you when you enter.  It keeps you from being surprised.


The Deacons met after church on March 18th to finish planning the April 1st brunch. The menu was to be egg casseroles, fruit, muffins, biscuits and gravy. Pat Sowers donated the sausage for the Casseroles and the pretty tablecloths. As our biscuit and gravy person Shirley Spaulding ended up in the hospital we just rallied around and made more muffins and breads. The tables with the pastel clothes and Easter bunnies were very pretty and the food was wonderful. Many thanks to Jewell for pitching in and making a casserole and to Laurence for helping get the orange juice on the table. Also Sheila Clark made some wonderful muffins for us. We really appreciate the help. Next up is a pot luck meal on July 1st, I see lots of red, white and blue dishes !!!!

Toni Moore, reporting

*** Ministers for April ***
April 1 -   Nancy Covington
April 8 -   Ray Hickman
April 15 - Craig Kilgour
April 22 - Craig Gibson
April 29 - Jo Wright