Monday, May 7, 2012

2012.05.7 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

Last week I recommended a book, Soul Prints*(See note Below), by Rabbi Marc Gafni and quoted his word about happiness. Today, I share a story from Soul Prints*. I hope you'll feel "the tug" of its meaning for your life as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

"It was Timothy's twelfth birthday. He had saved up enough money to buy himself a present...a big red kite. The happiest kid in the world, he went out and began to fly his new kite.

"There were great winds that day, and he let out some string, and a little more string, and a little more, until the kite was so high and far away you couldn't even see it anymore. When you looked at the boy, all you could see was a happy kid running with a string in his hand.

"A very respectable and rational looking man in a business suit came upon the boy and stopped him. 'Son, what are you doing?' he asked.

"What do you mean, sir?" Timothy asked. "I'm flying a kite!"

"Flying a kite? What do you mean? I don't see a kite. You don't see a kite. How do you know there's a kite?"

Timothy looked at the man very gravely. "I know there's a kite, sir - because I can feel the tug."

Do you feel the tug of Christ?

With blessings and in friendship.


Next Sunday, May 13 is Mother's Day. We will celebrate all Mothers and the graduation of Madison Kroll and Caitlyn Spurgeon with cake and punch in the church kitchen. Craig Kilgour will be here to conduct the morning worship service. He is the pastor from New Zealand. Please plan to attend and help us celebrate.



* If you are interested in more information on this book, please follow the link below. It is the personal web site of Rabbi Marc Gafni. It has a lot of information on Self Development!

Also as an avid fan of audio books, I have included a link to the Audio Book of Soul Prints below as well. It is read by the author and includes some of the songs he sings. This is something you can't get from the print edition! Enjoy both!


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