Monday, June 11, 2012

2012.06.11 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma

I've got a question for you.  Have you ever heard the word "NONES"?  It is a new word for me describing people who say 'None' when asked their religious identity.  This group, (now 15% of Americans, up from 8% in 1990) opts out of traditional religious groups, according to a new American Religious Identification Survey.  (ARIS)

Are there any 'Nones' in your family?  There are in mine.

What is the reason for the rapid growth of the 'Nones'?  There are many reasons, I'm sure, but let me suggest a few.

First, most of us, and our families, have heard the Bible stories so often that there is a deadening influence of familiarity in them.  The cutting edge is gone.  Can this be changed?

Yes, it can be changed by new methods of presentation and communication. Too often churches are dying of dignity and some noble but ancient human crafted creeds and doctrines.

Second, new methods of presentation and communication are not ends in themselves.  They are means toward an awakened consciousness of what the Gospel means in the real, ever changing world.

For me, the test of the Gospel is the kind of life it produces.  I was asked by a "Nones' which were my favorite Bible texts and I replied 'that is too difficult to give a complete answer'  but these two are basic to my life and faith:

Micah 6:6-8 
Luke 10:25-28 and continuing through verse 37

Good reading.

With Blessings and in Friendship,



BINGO AT BURROUGHS MANOR - Saturday, June 1 - 2:00 - 3:00 - Volunteers are needed

Session and Deacons meet this Sunday, June 17
Jeff Francis will preach and moderate Session

Craig Kilgour will be here the following Sunday, June 24

Regarding Richard:
Please keep Richard in your prayers as he has more tests to see if he can qualify for the new valve replacement procedure, then makes a decision to proceed with the surgery.  He says he is taking a step at a time and knows that God will lead him in the right decision.

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