Monday, May 28, 2012

2012.05.28 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and all good wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

Last Monday I wrote about loneliness in our American society.  Sixty million Americans are unhappy with their lives because of l.

Being alone is not necessarily being lonely.  We all need time to be alone.  Jesus often took time to be alone to refresh his spirit, to relax his body, before returning to engagement with people.

It is when we sever connections with others that loneliness grips us.  To move from being alone to connection with God and people is to overcome loneliness.

It is interesting that in the Genesis account of creation God said "It is good" after each act. (Read Genesis chapter 1)  It is after God created a man (Adam) that God for the time time said "it is not good" is not good that a person live without connection.

How can we overcome loneliness?  By being connected with people and causes that are important.  The by-product of connections is happiness and loneliness runs away.

Rabbi Gafni, in his book Soul Prints, reminds us that happiness cannot be pursued for its own sake.  We must pursue goals other than happiness and as a by-product of our pursuit, we will be happy and loneliness will dissolve.

How much time do you spend exchanging your deepest thoughts and aspirations with another person?  How much time do you give in sharing your talents with others?  

With blessings and in friendship,


Church email:

On Sunday, June 3 join us for a family meal following morning worship.    Ken Bailey will be our guest minister.  Ken is the brother of Bow Bailey.  He and his wife Jeannie will be here to share our meal. 

Red Morris is barbecuing pulled pork and the congregation is asked to bring salads and desserts.

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