Monday, June 4, 2012

2012.06.04 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and all good wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Vinita Oklahoma.

The death of Charles (Chuck) Colson, at the age of 80 is a reminder that while we may see the worst in a person, God sees the best.  Colson was deeply involved in the Watergate scandal, which forced President Nixon to resign.  Mr. Colson went to prison and there the Holy Spirit transformed, changed his life.

After serving a prison term, Mr Colson created the Prison Fellowship Ministries in 1976, to minister to prisoners and their families.

God believed in Charles Colson, incredible as that first appeared when he was a hatchet man for President Nixon.  God saw "the possible Colson" though most of the country saw only Colson's outward appearance of a crook.

The Bible is full of people whose lives were transformed, changed - Moses, Jacob, David, 'The Prodigal Son', Paul.  God  believes in us and God will affect transformation in our lives if we but let him.

God sees in each of us a capacity for creative vision if we will to receive it as a gift from the Lord of all life.  Our choices are so important.

With blessings, and with faith that you will put your faith in the One who sees your possibilities.


If you were not able to attend our worship service yesterday, we missed you and you missed a wonderful Sunday.  We had 60 in attendance, compared to 22 last Sunday.
The Reverend Ken Bailey conducted the service
 and vocal trio (Makin Memories)  sang for us and
 Madison Dishman played her recorder while Joyce Dishman
 accompanied her on the organ.

Then we  had a delicious family meal with lots of fellowship.

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