Monday, January 31, 2011

2011.1.31 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

How are you doing with your New Year resolutions? You do remember them, don't you? I'm working on one that requires cleaning out my bulging files. I was surprised to find that my first MONDAY MORNING message was sent 9/10/07. In it I assured anyone with a prayer request, or with sugestions relating to these weekly messages, a personal reply. The offer still holds. Let me hear from you.

With the help of Brian Dishman, a son of Pilgrim Church now living in Japan with his wife and daughter, our sharing the good news of Christ is going world wide. Thanks - many thanks - Brian.

One of my early messages, dated 10/29/07, quoted the late William Barclay, one time professor of New Testament at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. Writing about happiness, he said three things are needed:

Something to hope for ...
Something to do ...
Someone to love ...

How great the blessing these three things are. They can be yours.


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