Monday, February 7, 2011

2011.2.07 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in snowbound Vinita, Oklahoma.
When I was a kid, growing up in Racine, Wisconsin, it was fun building a snowman, a snow fort, and having snow ball 'fights' with friends.  I loved sledding, tobagganing and ice skating.
At the first snow fall, signs  advising motorists to "Check Your Chains" popped up in front of service stations all over town.  I thought of those signs last week, when Oklahoma had a record breaking snow fall.  Today, no one clasps chains around their tires to drive through snow.  After all, we've got front wheel drive or 4-wheel drive.  People under 60 probably don't have a clue as to the meaning of those long gone signs, "Check Your Chains", which still have a valid message.
There are chains of prejudice, of an unforgiving spirit, chains of greed and phony values, chains that bind and enslave us.  Maybe it takes a massive snow storm to remind us of our need to "Check Our Chains".
Keep safe,

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