Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2011.1.17 Monday Morning!

Greetings and all good wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.
Today, in the USA, we observe Martin Luther King Day.  A remarkable man of peace and good will, he was flawed like all of us.  We can learn from him that God uses imperfect people in extraordinary ways.  Throughout the Bible one finds God using imperfect people to do his will, which is the well being of all creation.
Dr. King's son wrote these words which challenge each of us to live the dream of his father:

    "I pray that all Americans will embrace the challenge of
      social justice and the unifying spirit that my father shared
      with his compatriots.  With this commitment, we can begin
      to find new ways to reach out to one another, to heal our
      division, and build bridges of hope and opportunity
      benefiting all people.  In so doing we will not merely
      be seeking the dream, we will at long last be living it."
With blessings and in friendship,


    When we learn to respect ourselves
it becomes easier to respect others.

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