Monday, March 12, 2012

2012.03.12 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and all good wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Vinita, Oklahoma.

Christianity is profoundly inward, but at the same time outreaching and social.  It brings enlarged vision and it stirs deepest emotions, but it also moves the will to action.  It calls all aspects of a person into full function.

Jesus put a strong emphasis upon "wholeness of life".  "Do you desire to be made whole?"  is a basic question addressed not to one solitary person, but to everybody.  His gospel aims at nothing less than an integral wholeness of life, a harmony of the outer and inner self.

The kingdom of God, of which he persistently  speaks, begins as an attitude of the soul, as an inner experience of God.  "The kingdom of God" is within you.

We do not discover the full richness of the inner life until we take in terms of the love which he expects of us.  "You are to love", Jesus said, "even as I have loved you."  These words are demanding and at the same time they are words which reveal an immense faith in the inner possibilities of everybody.

Never neglect your fellowship with the unseen Lord of your life.  Always nurture and appreciate the richness and abundance of your inner life.

Hear the words of the prayer of St. Patrick, and make it your own prayer:

Christ within me, Christ beside me,
Christ before me, Christ to guide me,
Christ in my rising, Christ in my sleeping,
Christ in working, Christ in speaking.

Christ in the heart of all who love me,
Christ in the mouth of neighbors near me,
Christ in the eye of all who see me,
Christ in the ear of all who hear me.

With blessings that Christ bring to an expansion of joy!


Bingo at Burroughs Manor, Saturday, March 17 - 2:00 - 3:00

There will be a free screening of the Tar Creek documentary created and directed by Vinita native Matt Myers,
Monday, March 12 at Vinita High School cafeteria  sponsored by Vinnie Ream Cultural Center.
If you have not seen this movie, or would like to see it again this film shows what happened
in the Tar Creek area over the last century.
Tar Creek is located near Picher, Oklahoma.

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