Monday, March 5, 2012

2012.03.05 Monday Morning Message

Greetings and all good wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Vinita, Oklahoma.

We have had a mild winter in Oklahoma, with only one day of snow so far, and that covered the ground like powdered sugar for less than a day.

I was born and raised in Racine, Wisconsin, on the shores of Lake Michigan, where we saw lots of snow and plenty of sub-zero temperatures.   At the first signs of snow, I remember seeing signs in front of gas stations which read "Check Your Chains!"  I am a loyal "Badger/Cheesehead", but I don't think I could survive another winter in my hometown.

There are other 'Chains' than those I once put over my tires to get through snow.  People in the mid-east and north Africa,  living under dictators and totalitarian governments have been fighting and dying to be free of despots.

And there are 'Chains' that prevent us, living in freedom, from living a whole, balanced, harmonious life, to which Jesus summons us.  Some are 'Chains' of blind prejudice and "Chains" of tyrannical habits.  Still others are bound by 'Chains' of fear and anxiety, by 'Chains' of greed and a distressing disregard for the well being of others.

What are you doing to dethrone any inner despots which may be holding you in 'Chains'?

With blessings and in friendship,


The funeral of long time member Anna Belle Mitchell was held in the church Monday at 2 p.m.  Please keep the family in your prayers.

Dr. Don Roulet from Broken Arrow will preach Sunday.  We will have Communion on this Third Sunday in Lent.
Jim Ratcliff continues to do well after his recent fall.  

Sunday is Birthday Sunday - we celebrate:  Irene Conine, Suzie Cresap, Gage Kroll, Bob Hartley, Bobby Hartley, Janie York and Pat Sowers.

Daylight Savings Time Saturday night -  Spring Forward

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