Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pilgrim's Progress March 2012


Voice of the Pilgrim Presbyterian Church
Vinita, Oklahoma             March, 2012

A Pastoral Letter from the Sidelines
Dear friends,
Lent is a season on the Christian calendar which reminds us that Christianity is not something that thrives on a “50-50” basis.  Christianity calls us to give our all for the All.
There have been times when my life has been in the pitsand I’ve wonered about all religions.  Is being a Christian worth giving my all for Christ?
2011 was a particularly bad year for me.  First, Helen died in April, and in June my health went ‘south’.  Surprisingly, one passage from the Old Testament jumped into my mind over and over again.  I had never memorized that passage, nor did I think a great deal about it, but I had a vague notion of its meaning, its intent.
I found it in the Old Testament book bearing the strange name of Habakkuk.  I still don’t know the verses by heart, but there they are:
“Though a fig tree did not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines,
  the produce of the olive fail, and the fields yield no food,
  and the flock be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in
  the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the
  God of my salvation.  God the Lord is my strength...”
                      Habakkuk 3:17-19
Yes, my friends, when God is loved, and I do love God who revealed in Jesus Christ, my soul triumphs even in grim situations.
I hope you’ll always fine the same assuring peace in your dark passages.
With blessings and love and in friendship,

Richard is gaining some strength and has been going on short walks.  He sends his love and prayers. He has written the above pastoral letter and has sent Monday Morning Messages.  
His address is Dr. Richard Evans,
5123 S. Hudson Place, Tulsa 74135.

Please remember the following individuals in your daily prayers: 

Richard Evans – Our minister
Dilys Evans – Richard's daughter
Vera Tresler – Church member
Mary Draper – Church member
Family of AnnaBelle Mitchell 
John and Louise Gullett – Janie's parents
Patricia Hemphill – Friend of the Church
Joan Dirmyer – Relative of the Noggles
Dee Ann George – friend of the Rapps
Larry Skaggs – Friend of Todd Mariner
Carolyn Ratcliff Cook – Jim Ratcliff's sister
Bill Montgomery - Friend of Toni’s 

Men and women serving in the military forces, and their families

 Pilgrim Management Board
Jim Shelton 2012
Sue Ratcliff 2013
Irene Conine 2014
Burroughs Manor Board
Joyce Dishman 2012
Fred York 2013
Sarah Bruce 2014

Session Members Deacons
  (Class of ’12) (Class of ’12)
Joyce Dishman Jim Dishman   
  Wally Olson Dianne Rapp
 Jim Shelton
(Class of '13) (Class of '13)
  Keith Cresap Jeanne Cowley
    Sue Ratcliff Jan Clark-Haney
Fred York              Toni Moore
(Class of ’14) (Class of ’14)
Sarah Bruce              Liz  Logan
    Kitty Brown Shirley Spaulding
Irene Conine

Church Trustees
Wally Olson 2012
Keith Cresap 2013
Kitty Brown 2014

Church email:
Church blog:


11 Irene Conine
   Suzie Cresap
15 Gage Kroll
17 Bob Hartley
26 Bobby Hartley
Janie York
28 Pat Sowers
 Birthday Sunday is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the month.

Birthday Sunday Assignments:
March - Pam Noggle
April - Kitty Brown
May - Sarah Bruce
June - Shirley Rapp
July - Sue Ratcliff
August - Jan Clark
September - Janie York
October - Linda Burger
November - Toni Moore
December - Jeanne Cowley
(Bring cake & check on juice for children)
Mary Draper’s address is:
St. Simeon’s, 3701 N. Cincinnati, Tulsa, 74106.

Anna Belle Mitchell
Long time member Anna Belle Mitchell passed away March 3, 2012 following an extended illness.  Her service was held at the church on March 5 with Dr. Helen Hutchison, First Presbyterian Church, Miami and Dr. David Wilson officiating.  Anna Belle has been a member of this church for over 65 years.  She is survived by 3 children, 12 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren, 4 sisters and 4 brothers.  Her parents and siblings were fullblood Cherokees and that language was spoken in her home when she was a child.

AnnaBelle has been designated Cherokee National Treasure since 1982 and is credited with single-handedly reviving the art of traditional, hand-built, southeastern/woodlands style pottery.  Some of her pottery pieces are in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D. C.

The family welcomes donations to the Cherokee Nation Foundation c/o Anna Belle Mitchell Memorial Scholarship Fund, 115 E. Delaware, Tahlequah, OK 74464.

Session Notes
The stated Session meeting opened at 11:15 a.m. with prayer by Moderator Ray Hickman.  There was a quorum present including the following elders:  Kitty Brown, Sarah Bruce, Irene Conine, Keith Cresap, Joyce Dishman, Sue Ratcliff, and Jim Shelton.  Also present Treasurer Terry Brown.  Wally Olson and Fred York were excused.
Treasurer Terry Brown gave the January Treasurer’s Report as follows:  Beginning Balance was $56,097.53, Receipts were $26,179.26, Expenditures were $4.292.24, and the Closing Balance was $77,984.55.  Keith Cresap moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, there was a 2nd, and the motion carried. 
There was no Pastor’s Report.  Under the Clerk’s Report the Clerk presented the 2011 Annual Statistical Report and the Clerk’s Annual Questionnaire for 2011.  The Clerk also distributed a mailing from Presbytery - Decisions Sessions Need to Make.  Jim Shelton and Terry Brown will review the list and develop a manual of operations.
Under the Trustees’ Report Keith Cresap discussed the sale of the Allensworth property on North Thompson to Jack Lee for $5,000.00.  After some discussion Session decided to get an appraisal of the property.  Session approved the move by common consent.  Several church abstracts including the Allensworth abstract are being kept in a Safe Deposit Box at the First National Bank.  Session decided to have the current Trustees Kitty Brown, Keith Cresap, and Wally Olson act as signers for the Safe Deposit Box.  Session approved the action by common consent.  
Under Committee Reports Irene reported that she had arranged for Pastors to come through March.  Session discussed the rotation of 4 or 5 Pastors monthly and decided to meet on March 11th  after services to discuss the upcoming decision before the next Session meeting.  
Sarah reported for the Sanctuary Guild Committee that Spring decorations will be going up soon. 
Under Old Business the Clerk reported that Jewell is preparing a new Directory after Session spent some time working on the Active and Inactive Rolls.  The Directory should be available in March.
Under Other Business the Worship Assistant for March will be Irene Conine, and Communion will be prepared on Sunday, March 4th, by Kitty Brown.
The next Session meeting will be held on Sunday, March 18, 2012.  With no further business to come before the meeting, Session was closed with prayer by Sarah Bruce at 12:20 p.m.
Ray Hickman, Moderator
Sue Ratcliff, Clerk of Session 

Excerpts from Letter from Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery dated January 28, 2012.
Dear Clerk of Session:
On Friday, January 27, 2012, the Committee on Ministry appointed the Reverend Fran Callaway to be the Moderator of your Session.
Rev. Dr. Thomas Murray, COM Moderator

Thank you note from Victoria Vazquez and family:

Dear friends at Pilgrim Presbyterian Church,
Thank you all for the outstanding meal you served the Mitchell family.  Many have told me how good the food and hospitality was.  What a blessing to us you were as we began Mom’s life celebration.
Love and God’s Peace,
Victoria Vazquez and Family
Guest Ministers this month are:
March 4 - Ken Bailey
March 11 - Don Roulet
March 18 - Fran Callaway
March 25 - Jeff Francis
Attendance was down a little Sunday, March 11, apparently due to Daylight Savings Time.  Let’s keep up the attendance.
From the Deacons --

“Bring Your Favorite  Side Dish Dinner”
was a huge success.We keep proving what good cooks we are,  the Feb.  meal was a success with about 40 people enjoying good food and even better company.  The Rev. Jeff Francis and his wife Martha shared the meal with us.  It was good to see and  welcome Don and Stephanie Cook and four little ones.  The chicken strips are so popular and so very tasty.  The decorations were lovely, thanks to Shirley,  Diane and Sheila Clark ( filling in for Jan who was under the weather)  for fixing the table settings and decorations.

During clean-up Mark Spaulding gave lessons on how to put the chairs on the rack, thanks Mark.  And Kitty Brown got dishpan hands,  many thanks to all who helped.

A short Deacons meeting was held on Sun. the 19th with Toni,  Diane,  Jeanne and Liz in attendance.   We also talked about getting some more helpers for Bingo at Burroughs and we do need a few "manly" items,  some small after shave or a small kit with comb,  toothpaste and toothbrush in a zip lock, those go over well.  Also puzzle books move right along.  We have March after church treats taken care of and need volunteers for April and May.  Get a friend and share the month.  We talked about the Palm Sunday brunch and will firm up plans at our March 18th meeting.  
Several of us then attended the wonderful salad lunch at the Episcopal church.

Toni Moore, reporting

 2012 Communion Preparation

Elders & Deacons
March - Kitty Brown
April - Fred York
May - Jim Dishman
June - Dianne Rapp
July - Liz Logan
August - Jim Shelton
September - Irene Conine
October - Jeanne Cowley
November - Sarah Bruce
December - Shirley Spaulding


The Greatest of all human needs is the need to be needed, the need to feel that one matters to someone.”
2012 Worship Assistants
March - Irene Conine
April - Keith Cresap
May - Joyce Dishman
June - Wally Olson
July - Sue Ratcliff
August - Jim Shelton
September - Kitty Brown
October - Sarah Bruce
November - Irene Conine
December - Elders Share

Taken from the “Temple Bells” newsletter.

Written by Pastor Rebecca

What if, for Lent, you gave up soda and used the money saved to buy someone a new pair of shoes?  What if - instead of just fasting lunch, you buy lunch for someone who is hungry?  What if - instead of giving up chocolate, you offer to share it with someone that looks up to you?
Lent isn’t just about giving up bad habits - its about establishing a more God-pleasing life.


To glorify God through worship, service, and prayer.
To know God's redeeming love and forgiveness
To nurture each other through fellowship and education

Pearl of Value
“You are to love even as I have loved you.”

First Presbyterian Church, Vinita, OK   Circa 1912

This Congregational Church was located on the 100 block S. Smith,Vinita. The First Presbyterian Church and Congregational Church merged in 1947 and services were held here until the new Pilgrim Presbyterian Church was finished in 1952.  Toni and Jewell remember having a Catechism class in this church. (but it wasn’t in 1912)  ;-)

Also in 1912, Geogia resident Juliette Gordon Low contacted a cousin and said “I’ve got something for the girls of Savannah, and all of America, and all the world, and we”re going to start it tonight!”  Today the Girl Scouts of the USA continue to empower girls through community service, camping experiences and the teaching of other practical skills.  It strives to build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.  Local Girl Scouts are selling cookies this month.

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