Saturday, November 5, 2011


Voice of the Pilgrim Presbyterian Church
Vinita, Oklahoma   November, 2011

"A Letter from the Sidelines"
Dear friends,

Six years ago, by inviting me to be your part time pastor, you gave me responsibilities and duties which have been a continuous privilege.

I may have fallen short to do my best, but with reliance on God I have tried to declare and demonstrate that a Christian expresses and determines one's attitude toward life as a whole.

Since early June my health has been running down hill.  Following more tests and exams that I knew existed, the heart doctor I consulted told me "it's time to retire."  By now most of you know that Session has accepted my resignation.  At the same time, Session has asked that I continue to write a letter for Pilgrim's Progress, the MONDAY MORNING messages for email and the Church BLOG, and notes and cards to members and friends of the congregation.  I can do that, and I'll continue to do that, "from the sidelines", until you invite my replacement as your part time pastor.

I have great appreciation for Pilgrim Church.  I miss being with you every weekend, and I miss our "Monday at Ten" gathering at Burroughs Manor.

I cherish your friendship, and I ask that you continue to be involved in effective ministry of Pilgrim Church, and that you pray for me as I pray for you.

With blessings, affection, and all good wishes,
                                                                        and in Friendship,


"Religion is primarily, and at the heart, the spiritual meeting of the soul with God"
           Church email: HYPERLINK ""

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