Monday, November 21, 2011

2011.11.21 Monday Morning

Greetings from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.
In the U. S. Thursday, November 24, is a day of National Thanksgiving.  FOR WHAT ARE YOU THANKFUL?
In my long ministry, I can reduce reasons people have for thankfulness under three general headings.
        1st - Thanksgiving by comparison.
        2nd - Thanksgiving for specific reasons.
        3rd - Thanksgiving as an attitude.
At some time or other we exhibit all three.
My attention was drawn to the first, thanksgiving by comparison, while visiting a parishioner in the hospital.  She said, "I certainly am sick, but I'm thankful that I'm not as bad off as the man down the hall who moaned all night."  It's hardly ethical to be thankful by comparison- though often we slip into that mode without thought.
Second, it is good and reasonable to give thanks for specific reasons.  We should give thanks for our blessings, one by one.  But, be careful.  If we are thankful for only specific reasons we may one day lose one or more of those blessings and become angry and bitter.
The third type of thanksgiving is one of attitude for all life.  Can we learn to pray "I am thankful for who I am"?  That is the absolute character of thanksgiving.  An attitude of appreciation for our unique life and for all creation.
Shakespeare captured the truth of a genuine attitude of thanksgiving in Henry VI:
                    "O Lord that lends me life,
                     Lend me a heart full with thanksgiving."
Happy Thanksgiving!
P. S.  You may want to read Psalm 100 at your Thanksgiving Day table.

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