Monday, November 28, 2011

011.11.28 Monday Morning

Greetings in the first week of Advent from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Vinita, Oklahoma.
Charles Dickens, in his classic tale, A Christmas Carol, expresses the belief that human nature can be changed, that new beginnings are possible.
In the story, Ebenezer Scrooge is the subject of transformation.  A penny-pinching, unpleasant Scrooge is given a new beginning and becomes a good friend, a generous boss, and a genuinely good person.  He is still Ebenezer Scrooge, but with an altered self he becomes engaged positively in his relationships with others.
We need to distinguish between a beginning and a new beginning.  A new beginning suggests a fresh start, a second chance, turning elsewhere when the the old way is no longer possible or valuable.
New beginnings are fascinating because they up fresh possibilities for the present at well as for the future.  The first day of school, graduation  day, a first job, marriage, the birth of a child are all very exciting.
At the center of the Christian faith is the belief that new beginnings are possible, if we meet opportunities knowing that God's will is our well being and the well being of all creation.
During this season of Advent turn to Christ and find a new beginning.
With blessings and in friendship,

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