Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Richard!

Dearest Richard,

Everyone at the Pilgrim Presbyterian Church and many more who have been a part of your life both privately and through your blessed ministry...

Would like to wish you a most WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY!

Your Birthday Cake from Japan!  :-)

Best wishes on this most Auspicious Day and we all wish you many more Happy Birthdays to celebrate together!

Lovingly Yours,

(From ALL OF US)

Monday, November 28, 2011

011.11.28 Monday Morning

Greetings in the first week of Advent from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Vinita, Oklahoma.
Charles Dickens, in his classic tale, A Christmas Carol, expresses the belief that human nature can be changed, that new beginnings are possible.
In the story, Ebenezer Scrooge is the subject of transformation.  A penny-pinching, unpleasant Scrooge is given a new beginning and becomes a good friend, a generous boss, and a genuinely good person.  He is still Ebenezer Scrooge, but with an altered self he becomes engaged positively in his relationships with others.
We need to distinguish between a beginning and a new beginning.  A new beginning suggests a fresh start, a second chance, turning elsewhere when the the old way is no longer possible or valuable.
New beginnings are fascinating because they up fresh possibilities for the present at well as for the future.  The first day of school, graduation  day, a first job, marriage, the birth of a child are all very exciting.
At the center of the Christian faith is the belief that new beginnings are possible, if we meet opportunities knowing that God's will is our well being and the well being of all creation.
During this season of Advent turn to Christ and find a new beginning.
With blessings and in friendship,

Monday, November 21, 2011

2011.11.21 Monday Morning

Greetings from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.
In the U. S. Thursday, November 24, is a day of National Thanksgiving.  FOR WHAT ARE YOU THANKFUL?
In my long ministry, I can reduce reasons people have for thankfulness under three general headings.
        1st - Thanksgiving by comparison.
        2nd - Thanksgiving for specific reasons.
        3rd - Thanksgiving as an attitude.
At some time or other we exhibit all three.
My attention was drawn to the first, thanksgiving by comparison, while visiting a parishioner in the hospital.  She said, "I certainly am sick, but I'm thankful that I'm not as bad off as the man down the hall who moaned all night."  It's hardly ethical to be thankful by comparison- though often we slip into that mode without thought.
Second, it is good and reasonable to give thanks for specific reasons.  We should give thanks for our blessings, one by one.  But, be careful.  If we are thankful for only specific reasons we may one day lose one or more of those blessings and become angry and bitter.
The third type of thanksgiving is one of attitude for all life.  Can we learn to pray "I am thankful for who I am"?  That is the absolute character of thanksgiving.  An attitude of appreciation for our unique life and for all creation.
Shakespeare captured the truth of a genuine attitude of thanksgiving in Henry VI:
                    "O Lord that lends me life,
                     Lend me a heart full with thanksgiving."
Happy Thanksgiving!
P. S.  You may want to read Psalm 100 at your Thanksgiving Day table.

Monday, November 14, 2011

2011.11.14 Monday Morning

Greetings and all good wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, OK.  Your keeping in touch with us "offsite-online" is appreciated.
A story is told of a faithful church member who rocked back and forth as the pastor denounced dancing, drinking and gambling, crying "Amen".  But when the pastor denounced gossip she sat bolt upright and muttered loudly, "Wouldn't you know it!  He's begun meddling."
The Old Testament prophet, Amos, was chief among meddlers.  He lived in the 8th century before Christ in the southern kingdom of Judah.  A blunt, plain spoken man, Amos went to the northern kingdom of Israel, where he denounced its policies and practices.
He condemned Israel for oppressing the poor and powerless.  As a result, he was branded a meddler.
Amos' attitude is echoed in the words of William Faulkner, when he wrote:  "I love my country to want to cure its faults and the only way I can cure its faults within my vocation is to shame it, to criticize show the difference between its evil, its good, its moments of honesty, integrity and pride.  Just to write about the good qualities won't change the bad ones."
The value of criticism, even of harsh words, must be grounded in loving concern and passion for a better world for all people.
With blessings and all good wishes,

Monday, November 7, 2011

2011.11.07 Monday Morning

Top of the morning and all good wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.  

Pilgrim Church is one of the oldest Presbyterian churches in the area, celebrating its 129th birthday on the Sunday nearest All Saints Day, which this year falls on Tuesday, November 1.  Thankful for its past, Pilgrim Church continues a faithful mission and outreach ministry.  Congratulations 'Pilgrims'.
Having received a wonderful heritage, my prayer for Pilgrim Church in the present and future is "to think outside the box", and set before you A VISION  of what God wants you to be.
The importance of having a vision comes from my dear Mother.  In her declining years, she went blind.  At first she was frustrated, angry, and reluctant to admit her limitations.  Strong and capable all of her life, her blindness forced her to seek help from family and friends.
She was a remarkable lady.  She did not engage in self-pity, but soon took charge of her life and began to turn her handicap into a blessing.  She had been an executive secretary at the J. I. Case Co., in Racine, Wisconsin.  Still able to type, she wrote countless letters of support and encouragement to people, encouraging them to develop new ways to be useful.  All of us have handicaps; some are just more visible than other.
Stevie Wonder once said, "Just because a person lacks the use of eyes doesn't mean a lack of vision."
"Be Thou my vision,
  O Lord of my heart...
        Though my best thought
By day or by night,
 Walking or sleeping,
     Thy presence my light"

With blessings and in friendship,

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Voice of the Pilgrim Presbyterian Church
Vinita, Oklahoma   November, 2011

"A Letter from the Sidelines"
Dear friends,

Six years ago, by inviting me to be your part time pastor, you gave me responsibilities and duties which have been a continuous privilege.

I may have fallen short to do my best, but with reliance on God I have tried to declare and demonstrate that a Christian expresses and determines one's attitude toward life as a whole.

Since early June my health has been running down hill.  Following more tests and exams that I knew existed, the heart doctor I consulted told me "it's time to retire."  By now most of you know that Session has accepted my resignation.  At the same time, Session has asked that I continue to write a letter for Pilgrim's Progress, the MONDAY MORNING messages for email and the Church BLOG, and notes and cards to members and friends of the congregation.  I can do that, and I'll continue to do that, "from the sidelines", until you invite my replacement as your part time pastor.

I have great appreciation for Pilgrim Church.  I miss being with you every weekend, and I miss our "Monday at Ten" gathering at Burroughs Manor.

I cherish your friendship, and I ask that you continue to be involved in effective ministry of Pilgrim Church, and that you pray for me as I pray for you.

With blessings, affection, and all good wishes,
                                                                        and in Friendship,


"Religion is primarily, and at the heart, the spiritual meeting of the soul with God"
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