Monday, August 1, 2011

More Pictures!

Hi Everyone!
I recently had a request from someone "J", not Jim or Joyce   ;-)   , to put the following pictures up on the web site.  These are pictures of my niece, Madison Dishman as she read the scripture reading.  I was also told that she played the piano as well, but there were no pictures of that to post.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I did, and while I was doing this, I could not help but add a couple of other pictures!  I hope everyone will be OK with this!  Cheers!

As always, if you have pictures of church related functions or other relevant pictures of Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, please send them.  I would like to also request pictures of our Church from years past!  If you have pictures of people such as former ministers or church functions, I would love to start a Church History page in which we put up pictures of all of our previous church ministers along with a story about that minister.  I have a very limited history starting with Mitch Kennedy.  It would be interesting to have a history before that as well as afterwords with lots of pictures.  If there is anyone out there that would be willing to dedicate some time to this even if it was just one minister or other special events, I would dedicate some of my time to put this up for all of us.

It is also my desire to put up pictures of all of our church members past and present that are willing, of course.  Anyone who would give me pictures of past members such as the Campbells, Mrs. Hanabon, and many others too Numerous to name.  I would so dearly love to get their pictures and memories up.  It would help us to remember our Church's History as well as the rich heritage that we all could share IF people will volunteer to get the information out to me.  I also know that our Church at one point merged with another church, however, that information is not something that I remember, except that I think it happened.  I hope you will be willing to help keep our Heritage and Memories alive!

Send your information and scanned pictures to me.  My eMail address can be found through the church or it is listed in the Monday Morning eMail.  I do not wish to post it here on this public page.


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