Monday, August 8, 2011

2011.8.8 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

Today, I want to put in a good word for the gift of receiving.  It is commonly said that it is more blessed to give than to receive, but I've learned there is virtue in receiving as well as in giving.

We praise people for doing good things for others, but who refuse to take any credit, any gift, any reward, for doing so.  People like that should give others a chance to say thank you and show their gratitude.  It is a fine thing to give, but it can be a mark of pride to refuse to receive thanks for acts of kindness.

Jesus received a boy's picnic lunch, and with it worked a miracle.  (John 6:1-14).  And He received the offer of the use of a room by some anonymous friend in Jerusalem, and used that room to institute "The Last Supper".

There is a courtesy in receiving as well as in giving.  When the two meet, who knows what 'miracle' will follow?

With blessings and in friendship,

We're taught that it is more blessed
to give than to receive, but receiving
is also important in the development
of our soul.

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