Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pilgrims Progress Newsletter September 2011

                              Voice of the Pilgrim Presbyterian Church
                 Vinita, Oklahoma                                                                September, 2011

A Pastoral Letter
Dear friends,

There are thousands of retirees from North America living in the Guadalajara-Lake Chapala area of Mexico.  Helen and I felt perfectly safe driving there when I served, in the 1990's, as a "Volunteer in Mission" at the Little Chapel on Lake Chapala, an English speaking congregation.  (I wouldn't drive there today for all the tea in China.)

One of my choice memories is a visit to an open-air market in Tonala, outside Guadalajara. Vendors set up booths that stretched for several miles.  You can buy almost anything your heart desires or your wallet permits.

The day Helen, my wife, and I visited, a vendor was selling crockery, glassware, flower pots, ceramic tiles.  His sign read: "For Sale As Is."

This vendor, smiling from ear to ear, came to me with a delicate colorful glass flower vase and said, "This is only slightly as is."  I smiled and bought it.  Helen loved it "slightly as is."

Don't we all think of ourselves as "only slightly as is"?  We all have our cracks and chips – no one is without flaws.  The Bible tells us to admit our flaws, our mistakes, our sins, and God will forgive us.  And then the Bible says,  feed your mind with good thoughts!

                        "As a person thinks, so that person is"   (Proverbs 23:7)

"Whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, think about these things and the        God of peace will be with you"

With affectionate regards and all good wishes,

"The greatest of all human needs is the need to be needed,
 the need to feel that one matters to someone."

Church email:

            Please remember the following individuals in your daily prayers: Richard Evans, John Burckhalter, Mary Draper,  Vera Tresler,  Louise Gullett, John Gullett,  AnnaBelle Mitchell, Emily Ciccone, Patricia Hemphill. Pat Robinson, Joan Dirmyer, Brett Forbes family. The Jim Goodpaster family. Families of recent tornado tragedies.  Please also remember our service men and women.

We light the Peace Candle each Sunday and pray for all men and women currently serving in the military and their families, as well as for all who are suffering from war, persecution and terrorism.
Judge James Goodpaster passed away August 20, 2011  Jim left a legacy of giving and serving others. He was the uncle of Sarah Shelton and first cousin to Toni Moore.  You can view the obituary on line at:
Church birthdays are celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the Month – September 11th – Sue Ratcliff will supply the birthday cake.
  3  Gary Boatright
22  Sarah Bruce
We have partnered with St. John's Episcopal  to help prepare lunches for the "Bridges Out of Poverty" program which began in August.  If you are willing to help assembly sack lunches for about 15 people,  once a week for 5-7 weeks, please contact Jewell at the Church Office.  918-256-2258.

You may pick up your copy of
 "These Days" in the Narthex.

Dwight Mission's "The Gathering" will be held November 11-12, 2011.  A time of renewal and retreat for all young adults interested in youth ministry. Renew your mind, body and soul, and be re-energized.  The cost is $65.  Register online by going to www.dwightmission.org.

Clippings from Actual Church Bulletins (not ours)

·        Weight Watchers will meet at 7 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church.  Please use the large double doors at the side entrance.
·        Don't let worry kill you.  Let the church help.
·        This evening at 7 p.m. there will be a hymn sing in the park across from the church.  Bring a blanket and be prepared to sin.
·        For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.

Joyce Dishman  gave a "Minute for Mission on Sunday, August 28.  She extended a thank you for the many contributions and support the congregation has given to our community's needy in recent months.  We continue to partnership with St. John's Episcopal Church in supporting the Backpack Program and Bundles for Babies.  At present time there is a need for newborn diapers.
Session recently approved participation with St. John's in the "Blue Star Mothers" who assemble and mail boxes of needed items to the service men and women from Rogers and Craig counties each month.
A list of needed items is listed on a separate sheet in the newsletter.  You may bring donations to a designated box available in the Narthex.  The items will be delivered to St. John's.
Newborn diapers for "Bundles for Babies" will also be collected and delivered to St. John's.
~~Notes from Session~~

The session met Sunday, August 21 with Elders Sarah Burce, Irene Conine, Kitty Brown, Joyce Dishman, Fred York, Keith Cresap and Jim Shelton in attendance.  Moderator Denise Odom conducted the meeting.

Treasurer Terry Brown gave the report for the month of July 2011.
Beginning balance general fund:        $3583.51
Receipts:                               6953.51
Expenditures:                          3227.07
Closing Balance general fund 7-31-11:      $7309.95
A request for transfer of membership from Robert Sullivan Jr to Cleora United Methodist Church was granted.

A request from Paige Sutton to have her wedding in our church in January of 2012 was granted.  Paige's parents and grandparents were married here.

Session reviewed and accepted the "Wedding Guidelines" that were previously presented by Richard and Terry Brown.

The Trustees reported that several people have shown interest in the manse that is for sale.

Joyce Dishman reported on Missions.  We have received a request to join "Blue Star Mothers". Session approved participation with St. John's  in the Blue Star project. This group primarily mails goods to our servicemen.  We continue to support Bundles for Babies, the Backpack Program and the Salvation Army.

Session will be placing locks on two of the storage rooms in the basement as a safety precaution.

Worship Assistant for September is Wally Olson and Communion will be prepared by Shirley Spaulding on Sunday, September 4th.   
Co.-Clerk of Session – Kitty Brown
~~Notes from Deacons~~

We need a volunteer to bring cookies for fellowship following morning worship  for September  4, 18 and 25.  Please call the church office.

The church has had a request from OSU and Northeastern State, Tahlequah for help in extending an invitation to anyone in the congregation who will be attending either school this year.  They want to minister to students coming from the congregation and to offer them a church home away from home.

The VHS classes of 56, 57 and 58 wish to thank the church for the use of the new fellowship kitchen for a reunion luncheon during Rodeo week.  Thank you Sarah Bruce's uncle  James Kennedy Kerr for his donation to create our "lovely kitchen area"
*************************************    V CHURCH OFFICERS
Session Members                     Deacons

(Class of ’11)                               (Class of ’11)
Sarah Bruce                               Jewell Morgan
Irene Conine                               Shirley Spaulding
Kitty Brown

(Class of ’12)                              (Class of ’12)
Joyce Dishman                            Jim Dishman
Wally Olson                               Dianne Rapp
Jim Shelton

(Class of '13)                              (Class of '13)
Keith Cresap                               Jeanne Cowley
Sue Ratcliff                               Jan Haney
Fred York                                  Toni Moore

                    2011                                                 2011
September – Wally Olson     Sept – Shirley Spaulding  
October – Sue Racliff             Oct – Sue Ratcliff
November- Jim Shelton         Nov – Wally Olson
December – Elders Share       Dec – Keith Cresap

Monday, August 29, 2011

2011.8.29 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma.
In one of Charles Schultz's cartoon strips, "Peanuts", Charlie Brown comes downstairs and into the kitchen in his pajamas.  Sleepily rubbing his eyes, he says to his mother, "I think maybe I've discovered my trouble in getting out of bed - I think I am allergic to morning."
This is the way a lot of us face a new day.  We are allergic to dawn!  Morning means one thing to a single mother who gets a child ready for nursery school before driving off to a stressful job.  To another person, morning means struggling into bed after working the graveyard shift in a food processing plant.  For some, morning means the toothache that throbbed at 1:00 a.m., is nothing more than a slight annoyance at 8:00 a.m.
In stories and myths,  dawn is viewed as significant in that light has its own way of overcoming darkness and fear.  Dawn re-awakens life!  However you experience the morning, the Bible tells us that we can experience "the mercies of God which are new every morning."
How do you experience the morning?  Be intentional about the wonder of life.  Be intentional about the way you speak and act.  God through your new day as a tourist, seeing everything as for the first time, and you will discover that mercies surround you- mercies are within you.  These mercies will offer you new opportunities.  You will be more joyful and cheerful!
Yes, 'top of the morning'  to you with  all good wishes,

Monday, August 22, 2011

2011.8.22 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.
A few weeks ago, I reminded you that the Bible says that laughter is good medicine.  Today, I offer you some "good medicine" given me by friends who visit our BLOG.
Tommy Bolt was well known as one of the finest pro-golfers in the 1940's and 50's, and for his red-hot temper.
During one tournament Bolt was joined by a caddy who was known around golf circles for his constant chatter.  Bolt would tolerate no chatter from the caddy, ordering him not to speak at  all unless Bolt asked him a question.  Even then the caddy was told that he could answer only with a 'yes' or 'no'.
On one hole Bolt found himself lying next to a tree.  Surveying the situation he asked his caddy, "What do you think?  Five iron?"  "No," said the caddy.  "What do you mean not a five-iron,"  Bolt snarled.  "Watch this shot."
Bolt hit the ball placing it within a few feet of the hole.  He then turned to his caddy, handed him the five iron, saying "What do you think about that?  Go ahead, you can talk now."
"Mr. Bolt,"  replied the caddy, "that wasn't your ball."
Keep that smile on your face and you'll feel better.

Monday, August 15, 2011

2011.8.15 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning and all good wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.
After retiring from a full time pastorate, I served Grace Presbyterian Church, Grove, Oklahoma, as a part time temporary pastor.  One summer, Bruce Lietzke, son of a beloved member of Grace Church, won the U. S. Open Golf Tournament for Seniors.  The entire community was excited and proud.  Bruce is a pro, and one of the best golfers in the country.
I have a lot of good friends, whom I like a lot, but they must be among the worst golfers on the planet.  Still they go back to the links time and time again.  WHY?
I think I've found the answer:
Even the best golfer can once in awhile play a shot that Bruce Lietske, or even Tiger Woods, would be proud to make.  And so, it seems to me, that even the poorest golfers are upheld by the hope of being NOT what they are at their worst, but what they are at their best.  Isn't that true of life, too?
Here is a suggestion to help you grasp the moment when you are at your best. Begin each day, even before popping out of bed, by saying this little prayer: 

Don't be satisfied with yourself or with things the way they are.  Aim to be at your best and you'll never lose hope that you can be better.  When you strive to be your best, you'll be an effective instrument of God's love and a source of encouragement to others.

Never lose Hope!


Monday, August 8, 2011

2011.8.8 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

Today, I want to put in a good word for the gift of receiving.  It is commonly said that it is more blessed to give than to receive, but I've learned there is virtue in receiving as well as in giving.

We praise people for doing good things for others, but who refuse to take any credit, any gift, any reward, for doing so.  People like that should give others a chance to say thank you and show their gratitude.  It is a fine thing to give, but it can be a mark of pride to refuse to receive thanks for acts of kindness.

Jesus received a boy's picnic lunch, and with it worked a miracle.  (John 6:1-14).  And He received the offer of the use of a room by some anonymous friend in Jerusalem, and used that room to institute "The Last Supper".

There is a courtesy in receiving as well as in giving.  When the two meet, who knows what 'miracle' will follow?

With blessings and in friendship,

We're taught that it is more blessed
to give than to receive, but receiving
is also important in the development
of our soul.

Monday, August 1, 2011

More Pictures!

Hi Everyone!
I recently had a request from someone "J", not Jim or Joyce   ;-)   , to put the following pictures up on the web site.  These are pictures of my niece, Madison Dishman as she read the scripture reading.  I was also told that she played the piano as well, but there were no pictures of that to post.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I did, and while I was doing this, I could not help but add a couple of other pictures!  I hope everyone will be OK with this!  Cheers!

As always, if you have pictures of church related functions or other relevant pictures of Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, please send them.  I would like to also request pictures of our Church from years past!  If you have pictures of people such as former ministers or church functions, I would love to start a Church History page in which we put up pictures of all of our previous church ministers along with a story about that minister.  I have a very limited history starting with Mitch Kennedy.  It would be interesting to have a history before that as well as afterwords with lots of pictures.  If there is anyone out there that would be willing to dedicate some time to this even if it was just one minister or other special events, I would dedicate some of my time to put this up for all of us.

It is also my desire to put up pictures of all of our church members past and present that are willing, of course.  Anyone who would give me pictures of past members such as the Campbells, Mrs. Hanabon, and many others too Numerous to name.  I would so dearly love to get their pictures and memories up.  It would help us to remember our Church's History as well as the rich heritage that we all could share IF people will volunteer to get the information out to me.  I also know that our Church at one point merged with another church, however, that information is not something that I remember, except that I think it happened.  I hope you will be willing to help keep our Heritage and Memories alive!

Send your information and scanned pictures to me.  My eMail address can be found through the church or it is listed in the Monday Morning eMail.  I do not wish to post it here on this public page.


2011.8.1 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

Ancient Jewish teachers often strung together power packed thoughts and ideas without commentary.  Good examples of this teaching pattern are found in the Beatitudes,  Matthew 5:1-11, and Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, as well as throughout the
book of Proverbs.

This method had a certain appeal to me, and several years ago I began collecting short statements for motivation or inspiration, or both.  I call them 'Pearls of Value', and I've been stringing each 'Pearl' on a  make-believe necklace which hangs in my study, and to which I add 'Pearls' discovered in my reading.

Here are a few of my 'Pearls'.  Perhaps you'll begin collecting your own 'Pearls' and sharing them with me.  Together we ought to have a wonderful collection of motivation and inspiration!

        "Time can be either an ally or an antagonist.  It depends on
          how we look upon time and how we use it."

        "Not one who has much is rich, but one who gives much..."

        "It often takes a serious threat to our blessings to make us
         aware of them.  And, sadly, sometimes we do not value
         them until they are gone before retrieving."

Understanding/interpretation of each 'Pearl' depends on the reader/listener.

Cheers and all the best,