Monday, May 31, 2010

2010.05.31 Monday Morning!

Top of this Monday Morning from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

Christians are loyal to the Bible which remains a best seller.  Its message is powerful and needed, yet it is not widely read, and when read it is often puzzling.  To help anyone interested, I have created a simple study program - "TO KNOW MY BIBLE - 101".  Suggested readings from Genesis may be found in my earlier Monday Morning messages.

Today I suggest the following readings from Exodus, covering the era of Moses, from about 1500 to 1200 BCE (Before the Common Era).

The Bible is a record of spiritual development. I hope this "TO KNOW MY BIBLE - 101" program will be helpful.

Exodus 2:1-10 - story of baby Moses; Exodus 2:11-15a - Moses kills an Egyptian; Exodus 2:15b-22 - Moses marries Zipporah in Midian; Exodus 3:1-4:31 - Moses is called to a special mission; Exodus 5:1 - 12:36 - Contest between God and Pharaoh; Exodus 12:37-18:27 - Deliverance of Israel from Egypt/march to Mt. Sinai; Exodus 20:1-17 - The Ten Commandments; Exodus 25:10-22 - the Ark of the Covenant.

From now on I'll offer suggested readings in an occasional "P.S." to Monday Morning messages.  The readings will be arranged in chronological order so we can observe the development of ideas and ideals from a primitive, tribal understanding of God until it reaches its climax in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Best wishes for good reading!


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