Monday, May 10, 2010

2010.05.10 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church.

Sometimes our Christian life calls us to tasks which involve effort and energy. Often it is easier and more comfortable to stay where we are, so we resist the call. Happily that is not true in our small congregation of 50 members. Spurred on by Joyce Dishman, chairperson of our Mission and Outreach Committee, I want to share with you a Minute for Mission which Joyce presented to the congregation, accompanied by graphs, on the last Sunday in April. Thank you Joyce!

There are many ways we as a congregation contribute to various mission projects. Each month we send $150.00 to Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery for general missions making a yearly total of $1,800.00 The yearly budgeted local missions include the following: Malawi Partnership: $300; Dwight Mission: $1,000; Ministerial Alliance: $300; Salvation Army Backpack Program: $200. Also we budget $180 per year for the Theological Education Fund which aids in developing mission-minded leaders for the Church. This year we gave $475.00 to the One Great Hour of Sharing which is an increase over last year’s offering.

In non-budgeted missions it is very important to say thank you for the generosity in donations of time and resources to our church and our community. It is impressive considering all that we do to enrich and empower, and assist others. Your generous support is very much appreciated, and in a few weeks we will extend an opportunity for continued support to some projects that will be set up in the Narthex. This church really can make a difference!

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