Monday, May 17, 2010

2010.05.17 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

Here is a question for you: Are you a good listener? Listening is important! We need to listen with more than our ears. Listen through your eyes, and your heart, too. I am learning to listen to my body more and more. I love gardening, but my body says loud and clear "slow down; don't dig out those overgrown weeds all at once. Tomorrow is another day."

Good listeners are desperately needed. Listening is not easy or we wouldn't be such great talkers. (My shoe pinches when I write this truth!). Many estrangements within a family or among friends - and certainly in the Church - are traceable to a failure of communication.

When we open channels of communication we begin to understand others, and we are understood and everyone involved is benefited.

God offered King Solomon any gift he wished, and the monarch asked for a "listening heart". Not bad wisdom from the old Book, is it?


PS: To you participating in "To Know My Bible - 101": We have completed Section 1 - listing memorable Bible verses and passages. To begin Section 2 - "Bible stories and characters", I suggest the following readings:

Abraham stories - Genesis 12 - Genesis 25:18 (If you haven't time to read all this, read at least chapters 12, 15, 17 and 22)

Jacob stories - Genesis 25:19 - Genesis 36:43 (If you don't have time to read all this, omit chapters 34 and 36)

Joseph stories - Genesis 37 - Genesis 50:26 (chapters 37, 39-47 and chapter 50 focus on Joseph)

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