Sunday, November 9, 2008

2008.11.10 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma. If you have relatives or friends who may like to get our Monday Morning email, please send addresses to Donna in the Church Office.

Moving from one residence to another is a test of patience, strength and endurance. Last week my wife and I moved from an apartment to a house. Humdrum as moving may appear, I assure you it is a test. But isn't all life a series of tests? I found a scribbled note among papers I've been sorting, and it's worth sharing with you today.

"When a neighbor has been bruised, our kindness is tested. When he or she has been blessed, our generosity is tested. When we have been hurt, our forgiveness is tested. Trouble tests our courage. Temptation tests our strength. Friendship tests our loyalty. Failure tests our perseverance."

We are all tested. How do you fare in life's constant quizzes?


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