Sunday, November 30, 2008

2008.12.01 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma. Like Christians all over the world, we at Pilgrim Church have entered the season of Advent, waiting for Christmas and the birth celebration of Jesus, whom we call Christ.

There are times when waiting is a pain. I could give you examples, but you have your own frustrating experiences of waiting.

At other times, waiting can be exciting. Waiting for our children or grandchildren to come home for the holidays is pleasant anticipation.

What are you waiting for? The kids to grow up? Your next vacation? An exciting date? Retirement? Or, are you simply enduring the present while you wait for a better tomorrow?

Waiting can be frustrating, diminishing us, or it can be creative and challenging. It depends on the reason for our wait and how we might draw possibilities of waiting.

"Don't let any waiting draw from you the juice of life."

Try reading Matthew 25:1-13.


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