Sunday, November 2, 2008

2008.11.03 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, 125 years young, and still sending Christ's message to a post-Christian world! We'll be celebrating our past with an eye to serving our Lord and Master Sunday next - November 9 - beginning with worship at 10:00 a.m. If you can't attend, please send an email greeting. The congregation will be delighted to hear from you!

Everyone has a story to tell, but it was Jesus who was the Master storyteller. His teaching arose out of real life situations, and were used to evoke a response. Perhaps his story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37) is his most popular and best known of the 50-60 stories recorded in the New Testament.

The Good Samaritan had this view of Life: "What is mine, is mine, I'll share it." That is amazing, considering the bad blood that existed between ancient Jews and Samaritans.

When a traveler was robbed and left half dead on the roadside, a passing Priest ignored the victim. However, the despised Samaritan stopped to help. The message is clear - while we may not like people of different nations, cultures and languages, or people in our own country who are different in color, speech and beliefs from us - we are all God's children.

Jesus calls his followers to unite and assume renewed responsibility for the peace and well-being of all.

We can't change the world, but with civility and decency we can respect those who are different from us, and we can show acts of kindness and infectious cheer. It's surprising how gifts of small acts, of mercy, "are twice blessed". And often the giver is helped more than the receiver. Giving gives meaning to existence!

What's mine is mine, and I'll share it. It's no wonder we call that Samaritan "Good".


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