Sunday, September 7, 2008

2008.09.08 Monday Morning!

It's Monday Morning once again in Vinita, Oklahoma, where Pilgrim Presbyterian Church sends greetings and best wishes to everyone in our email family. Do you know someone who might like to get Monday Morning messages? No problem! Please call Donna in the Church Office (918-256-2258) or email her at with the information. She'll gladly add names to our address book.

For years, while reading, I've jotted down "pearls of wisdom", and I've written some things which I call "clam shells", not pearls. I'm not the best organized person on the block, and most of these jottings were written on loose sheets, now scattered everywhere in my untidy study. Unfortunately, many do not indicate the source, which I regret. Nevertheless, I am trying to gather these "pearls", and some "clam shells" to share with you.

Here are a few today...more will come!

FOR PILGRIM CHURCH: Needed: renewed enthusiasm and undiminished zeal!

FOR EVERYONE: Needed: an engaging sense of humor which is always charitable.

"Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much." Erick Fromm

"A genuine faith in God is acquired slowly in regular doses. Religion is not a dramatic firecracker."

"While we have loved ones, we ought to tell them of our love and gratitude."

A determination never to be useless will take a person a very long way.

"Hearts starve as well as bodies; give me bread, but give me roses, too." J. Oppenheim

What do you think? Do you want more "pearls" or is the above enough?


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