Sunday, September 21, 2008

2008.09.22 Monday Morning!

From Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma comes this Monday Morning "Pearl of Value".

"For too many of us, religion, while it is orthodox and respectable, has become almost totally irrelevant."

There is an "orthodoxy" with lovelessness that carries disapproval of those unable to believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible. It sits in judgment on the faith and belief of others with intense spite and hatred.

Self-identified "orthodox Christians" have the right to believe the Bible as literally as they wish, but I resent their need to claim their interpretation of Scripture is the only truth, and then label the rest of us as "heretics" or "apostates".

We distort the Bible message when we interpret it literally!

More on this subject next Monday Morning!

Cheers and best wishes,

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