Sunday, August 24, 2008

2008.08.25 Monday Morning!

We're always sending greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church. And, we mean what we say! Whether you are reading this in Vinita, Oklahoma or at a distance, may your week be joyful!

The life story of Glenn Cunningham, who set a record for running the fastest mile, which he held for years, is a fascinating one.

When a boy of 8, Glenn was a victim of a kerosene explosion. His legs were so badly burned that doctors proposed amputation, but his Mother would not hear of it.

After six months in a hospital, a series of skin grafts and endless hours of massaging by his Mother, Glenn began to walk and then to run to strengthen his crippled legs. At 21, he set a world record for the fastest mile, providing truth to Ernest Hemingway's words. "The world breaks everyone, and afterward many are strong in broken places."

In the soil of suffering some of the noblest traits flourish, such as empathy, kindness, patience, understanding and courage.

We can grow in spirit when we choose to grow strong "in our broken places!"

With blessings and in friendship,

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