Monday, December 19, 2011

2011.12.19 Monday Morning

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Vinita, Oklahoma.

Are you enjoying your Christmas mail?  Most of the news we get from friends is cheerful, some sad, and of course, some down right depressing.

I got one of those depressing letters last week.  One comes every year from David, a Seminary classmate.  David reminds me of John the Baptist, a good person, but great on denouncing sin and not strong on forgiveness.

John the Baptist was big on repentance, but not so big about what happened after repentance.  Long on condemnation, short on healing.  John could tell what was wrong with the world, but not what was right.  My friend David is like that.

It's true, we're not living in utopia, but we can be thankful, and supportive, of helpful, healing forces at work.  There are plenty of reasons to despair - deaths in war and in protest movements.  We still weep, we still cry.  But, we can still laugh and we can still have hope, kindness and love.

Our spirit reflects an understanding of the purposes of our life, of a deeper inner truth and connection that lies inside us.  Christmas is a good time to re-connect with our soul.  Christmas reassures us that God is with us...always.

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, near and far.

P. S.
At this time Richard is suffering from bronchitis.  Please keep him in your prayers.

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