Wednesday, December 7, 2011



Voice of the Pilgrim Presbyterian Church

Vinita, Oklahoma
December, 2011

"A Letter from the Sidelines"

Dear friends,

It's December already and I hope you are making a meaningful personal journey through Advent to the Cradle of the Christ child.

There are many Bible passages to read during Advent, but I hope you won't miss these:
Isaiah 9:2-7; 40:1-11; 53:1-6
Luke, chapter 1, especially note verses 46-55, the Magnificat 
And, of course, on Christmas, Luke 2:7-14

Christmas is a strange season!  We cut an evergreen tree and bring it into our living room.  We hang stockings in a conspicuous spot in our home.  Strange behavior!  But, wasn't the first Christmas strange, too?

God nudged unsophisticated shepherds to look up to see a star, and then he nudged them to look down to see a child in a stable.

Who is this God who nudges us still?  God is the high and mighty one who inhabits eternity.  Lift up your head and behold the star!

Who is this God who nudges us still?  God is the one who is self-revealed in a stable.  Lift up your spirit this Advent season and look within to the one who dwells with you.  (John 1:1-14)

God nudges us to move from star to stable, from stable to star.  The mysterious other is God with us.  That is what makes this season of Christmas a strange, hallowed, gracious time.

In an age notorious for dashing hopes, lift up your head that the child who was born in a stable may yet be re-born in you.

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

In friendship,



Please remember the following individuals in your daily prayers: Richard Evans, Vera Tresler, Mary Draper, John and Louise Gullett , John Burckhalter – illness - Friend of the Church, Patricia Hemphill, Pat Robinson, Joan Dirmyer, Dee Ann George, Adele Davis, Larry Skaggs, family of Eleanor Lewis. Brett Forbes family – Serving in the military

Men and women serving in the military forces, and their families

We light the Peace Candle each Sunday and pray for all men and women currently serving in the military and their families, as well as for all who are suffering from war, persecution and terrorism.

Bill Dirmyer, brother of Pam Noggle passed away in New York.  Please keep the family in your prayers.

Church Birthdays

are celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the Month – December 11 – same Sunday as holiday meal.

December 19 – Mary Draper
                  27 – Terry Brown

~~Notes from Session~~

The Session met November 20, 2011 and opened with prayer by Moderator Judy Henderson.   There was a quorum present including the following elders: Kitty Brown, Sarah Bruce, Keith Cresap, Joyce Dishman, Wally Olson, and Sue Ratcliff.   Excused were Irene Conine, Jim Shelton, and Fred York.  The October 9th and October 16th minutes were  approved by common consent.

Under the Treasurer’s Report for October 2011, the Beginning Balance was $5,135.19, Receipts were $2,684.55,  Expenditures were $4,634.21, and the Closing Balance was $3,185.53  The annual Stewardship letter will be mailed to members in November.  Session approved continuing the $1800.00 budgeted to send  annually to Presbytery.  The motion was made by Kitty Brown, there was a 2nd, and the motion carried.

After some discussion on the proposed 2012 Budget, Wally Olson moved to authorize the Treasurer to make the necessary changes to the Budget advised by Session, there was a 2nd, and the motion carried.  

The Clerk’s report included approval of the Annual Review of Session Minutes on October 31, 2011.  The Clerk also noted Session’s acceptance of Richard Evans’ resignation and that notification was sent to Presbytery.  There was no annual Necrology Report.   

Under the Trustees’ Report Keith Cresap reported that he has not received the abstract for the church manse so that final papers can be signed.   Keith also reported on an Allensworth property which was given to the church and will work with the Trustees to come up with a sale price. 

Irene reported for the Worship Committee that ministers and music are in place for the Holiday Season.  Joyce Dishman’s report on our annual Mission giving will be included in the January Session and Congregational meetings.

Sarah Bruce reported for the Sanctuary Guild that Christmas decorations are being planned along with poinsettias which members will be asked to contribute.

Under Old Business in order to update the Active and Inactive Rolls the Clerk is planning to meet with one or two Elders at a time during the month of January either on Sunday after church services or on Monday mornings to work on the rolls and plan a new Church Directory. 

Under New Business Session set the Congregational Meeting date for January 15, 2012.  Items to be included will be the Financial Report, Mission Giving Report, and the election of the 2012 Church Nominating Committee.  Session also set the date of January 15, 2012,  to hold the Ordination and Installation of Elders and Deacons.  Judy Hendersonhas offered to instruct and examine the Elders and Deacons if Presbytery has not appointed a Moderator for our church.

Under Other Business the following Elders will serve as Lay Assistants during December:  Sarah Bruce - December 4th, Kitty Brown - December 11th, Keith Cresap  - December 18th, and Jim Shelton - December 25th.  Communion will be prepared on Sunday, December 4th by Sue Ratcliff.  The worship Assistant for January is Kitty Brown, and Communion will  be prepared on Sunday, January 8th by Joyce Dishman.  

The next Session Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 15, 2012, subject to change if a new Moderator is appointed.  

The meeting was closed at 12:15 p.m. with prayer by Moderator Judy Henderson.

Reverend Judy Henderson, Moderator
Sue Ratcliff, Clerk of Session

The next Session meeting will be held on Sunday, January 15, 2012.

Thank you to:

  • Irene for making arrangements for special music during the Advent and Christmas season and Sue and Irene  for making sure we have a minister each Sunday.
  • Toni for cookies and birthday cake this month.
  • Annette our custodian for the nice clean windows in the kitchen.
  • Irene, Sarah and Toni  for the beautiful Christmas decorations throughout the church.
  • Sarah for the extra serving spoons she donated for the kitchen.

~~Notes from Deacons~~

Deacons met November 20, 2011 with the following present:  Jim Dishman, Shirley Spaulding, Toni Moore, Jeanne Cowley, Dianne Rapp, Jan Clark, Jewell Morgan, Liz Logan.  Plans were made for the Holiday Meal on December 11th.  Burroughs Manor is invited and several parishioners from the Grove church plan to attend since Dr. Richard Evans will be here.  The schedule is A-G salad; H-O vegetable; P-Z dessert.
The meat, bread and drinks will be provided by the church. Set up is Saturday, December 10 at 10:00 a.m. We are planning for 50-60 people.
December cookies and birthday cake assignment is Toni.  Birthday Sunday is same day as Holiday Meal.
There will be no Bingo at Burroughs Manor in December.  Next Bingo will be January 21st.

Jewell Morgan reporting

Next Deacons meeting will be January 15th

Bingo prizes needed for January: Small lotions, small aftershaves, easy puzzle books, tuna and chicken salad packages, small packs of cookies, crackers, paper products, toilet paper, Kleenex, paper towels, small candy bars, small kitchen towels, any candy.  

Congratulations to Mary Kate Shelton and James Craven who were married in our church on November 12.  Mary Kate is the youngest daughter of Jim and Sarah Shelton, granddaughter of Melba Shelton and Mike and Jane Snedden and James is the son of Jim and Vicki Craven and nephew of Debbi Myers.  The beautiful reception was held at the Shelton ranch in the barn and tents that were set up near the home.

The Bruce family is thankful for the use of the kitchen and fellowship hall for their Thanksgiving dinner .The Bruce's are currently remodeling their kitchen.  Sister Robin and her family were able to enjoy our new facility that their uncle James Kerr donated to our church.


Session Members        Deacons

 (Class of ’12) (Class of ’12)
Joyce Dishman Jim Dishman
Wally Olson Dianne Rapp
Jim Shelton

(Class of '13) (Class of '13)
Keith Cresap Jeanne Cowley
Sue Ratcliff Jan Haney
Fred York Toni Moore

(Class of ’14) (Class of ’14)
Sarah Bruce Liz Logan
Irene Conine Shirley Spaulding
Kitty Brown



– December 11 immediately following morning worship.
The turkey, ham, bread, drinks will be provided.  Please bring a covered dish.  

If your last name begins with:

A-G   salad
H-O   vegetable
P-Z    dessert

Richard plans to be here.  
Burroughs Manor residents are invited and a few from the Grove church where Richard was interim for 6 years plan to attend.  Please bring your family and celebrate the holidays with us.

              2011-12                                  2011-12
December – Elders Share  Dec – Sue Ratcliff
January – Kitty Brown     Jan – Joyce Dishman

St. John's Episcopal Women are hosting a Wine and Cheese/Silent Auction Saturday, December 10 from 4:00 – 6:00 to benefit the Backpack Program and other charities.
The cost is $8.00.

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