Monday, June 20, 2011

2011.6.20 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Vinita, Oklahoma.
In ancient times, when God gave the 10 Commandments to Moses, every person in a family or tribal unit was needed to work so all might survive.
When a person was unable to work, there was a threat to the survival of the family or tribe.  The old, the weak and frail were frequently abused and discarded.
In this setting God spoke with a new commandment to Israel, saying:  "You are not to treat the elderly, the weak, in in the same manner other tribes do.  You are not to discard them.  By keeping in connection with them you honor your father and mother.
Today, most people welcome Father's Day with unreserved feelings of gratitude and affection.  Yet, we know there are others who dread Father's Day as a harsh reminder of abuse and unhappiness.
So do your best to keep in contact with your parents.  If that is not possible, don't feel guilty; you've done what you could.
For those of us whose parents are no longer living, this is a time to remember pleasant times shared.  That's a good way to honor parents.
With all good wishes,

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