Monday, June 13, 2011

2011.6.13 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Vinita, Oklahoma.
Most people in the Western World, whether religious or not, know that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25.
Fewer realize that the Resurrection of Jesus is celebrated at Easter, a holiday which coincides with the Jewish Festival of Passover, a time when Jews celebrate Israel's freedom from Egyptian slavery.
Fewer still know that Pentecost, a Jewish Festival commorating the giving of the Law to Moses, falls 55 days after Passover, or the Christian's Easter.
It was on the first Pentecost, after the Resurrection of Jesus, that the Holy Spirit filled the minds and hearts of a small band of 120 followers of Jesus.  These early Christians had "The MESSAGE" of God's love for all creation, as recorded in the four gospels.  Now, they were enlisted in "The MOVEMENT" to communicate the MESSAGE to all nations.  You can read about the start of the "MOVEMENT"
which we know as the Church, in Acts, Chapter 2.
The MESSAGE and the MOVEMENT are inseparable, both created by God.
The next time you nibble on those tasty candies, which are called "M and M's", think about the amazing impact the Christian Message and Movement have upon the world, and give thanks to God.
With blessings and in friendship,

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