Monday, May 23, 2011

2011.5.23 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, in Vinita, Oklahoma.

Today I have a request! Will you read the 15th Chapter of Luke? In this chapter there is a trinity of incomparable parables about a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son.

In each case "lostness" means inability to function as intended. The lost sheep wasn't a bad sheep, it simply had strayed from the flock. The lost coin was niether counterfeit nor defaced, it was unable to fulfill its intended function . The son was lost because bad choices separated him from family.

In each case the tragedy is the same! WASTE!

When a person does not live according to God's intended purpose - and the purpose is to live for the well being of all creation - that person wastes life.

To be saved from "lostness", from a wasted life, be consistent in a daily practice of prayer and devotion. 

My practice of prayer begins with a short prayer upon awakening in the morning and longer "Quiet Time" before going to bed a night. Set a schedule that best suits you, but be consistent. You will find your communion with God will improve your attitudes, and will help you to live a useful, caring life.

Don't waste your life, at best it is brief.

Fond regards,


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