Monday, May 16, 2011

2011.5.16 Monday Morning!

SMILE!  It's my MONDAY MORNING message reaching out to you from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, in Vinita, Oklahoma.
Smile because smiling and laughter are good medicine.
A few years ago I attended a meeting of ministers and elders where one person soon had everyone relaxed and laughing, except one glum person who sat like a sphink.  One gave us all a sense of joy, the other chilled us, never cracking a smile.  One was able to laugh at himself, the other almost lost his temper.
There is, of course, the wrong kind of laughter which is prompted smutty jokes or cruel  jibes at someone else.  However, the right kind of laughter brings fun and happiness into our lives, and that is important.
Hearty laughter for the right reason is good medicine.  And, preventive medicine is cheaper in every way than curative medicine.
Love, laugh and live.

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