Monday, May 30, 2011

2011.5.30 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes on this day after Memorial Day from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.
Memorial Day began in the United States in the late 1860's, after the American Civil War, when a women's Sunday School Class in a small southern town adopted a spring project.  The women decided to decorate the graves of their sons, husbands and sweethearts with flowers out of their gardens.
Upon arriving at the cemetery, they expanded their plan.  The graves of all soldiers were decorated, including the graves of soldiers from the North.
It was one small step toward reconciliation!
When their project was reported in newspapers, the Sunday School Class began to get letters from people in the North, thanking them for putting flowers on the graves of their loved ones, buried so far away from home.
Soon the practice spread, and for decades May 30th was called Decoration  Day, now it is called Memorial Day - a day the nation stops to give thanks for the sacrifice made in all the wars for the preservation of liberty and freedom.
Let us never forget the cost paid for our freedom, and let us resolve never to abuse that freedom or soil it.
Let us remember ... and may God's grace and mercy remain with you, and your loved ones, always.

Monday, May 23, 2011

2011.5.23 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, in Vinita, Oklahoma.

Today I have a request! Will you read the 15th Chapter of Luke? In this chapter there is a trinity of incomparable parables about a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son.

In each case "lostness" means inability to function as intended. The lost sheep wasn't a bad sheep, it simply had strayed from the flock. The lost coin was niether counterfeit nor defaced, it was unable to fulfill its intended function . The son was lost because bad choices separated him from family.

In each case the tragedy is the same! WASTE!

When a person does not live according to God's intended purpose - and the purpose is to live for the well being of all creation - that person wastes life.

To be saved from "lostness", from a wasted life, be consistent in a daily practice of prayer and devotion. 

My practice of prayer begins with a short prayer upon awakening in the morning and longer "Quiet Time" before going to bed a night. Set a schedule that best suits you, but be consistent. You will find your communion with God will improve your attitudes, and will help you to live a useful, caring life.

Don't waste your life, at best it is brief.

Fond regards,


Monday, May 16, 2011

2011.5.16 Monday Morning!

SMILE!  It's my MONDAY MORNING message reaching out to you from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, in Vinita, Oklahoma.
Smile because smiling and laughter are good medicine.
A few years ago I attended a meeting of ministers and elders where one person soon had everyone relaxed and laughing, except one glum person who sat like a sphink.  One gave us all a sense of joy, the other chilled us, never cracking a smile.  One was able to laugh at himself, the other almost lost his temper.
There is, of course, the wrong kind of laughter which is prompted smutty jokes or cruel  jibes at someone else.  However, the right kind of laughter brings fun and happiness into our lives, and that is important.
Hearty laughter for the right reason is good medicine.  And, preventive medicine is cheaper in every way than curative medicine.
Love, laugh and live.

Monday, May 9, 2011

2011.5.9 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Vinita, Oklahoma.  Thank you for your 'visit'.  I hope you will find these MONDAY MORNING messages helpful on your spiritual journey.
On that journey, I urge you not to give up the cultivation of worship.  The act of worship, in one's daily quiet time, and with the community of faith on Sunday, is a personal meeting of the soul with God.
We may talk "about God", and we may work out ways and means for a practical application of our spiritual insights, but these are not enough.  A personal meeting of the soul with God is primary to our Christian life.
The act of worship calls for intense, daily devotion.  It is a demanding commitment which will not be reached along lines of least resistance.

In friendship,

Monday, May 2, 2011

2011.5.2 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Prersbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.
"Dreams, visions and hopes, though invisible, are factors that build and shape the things we see.  An invisible world is behind and within the visible one, the builder of the visible."
What unseen, intangible realities are you using to build your life?  You are the builder of your life and what comes forth depends on what invisible forces are at work in your soul, in your inner life.
Your invisible ideals construct your life.  Your destiny is connected with your inner attitudes of mind, heart and will.
Don't be tone deaf or blind to the unseen and intangible realities of your life.
In friendship,