Monday, April 25, 2011

2011.4.25 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Vinita, Oklahoma.  I hope you had a blessed Easter at worship and with family and friends.
I've a story today about a 13 year old Timothy.  He saved his pennies, nickels and dimes to buy a big red kite which he had spotted in a neighborhood store.
The happiest boy in the world, Timothy went to a playing field where he let out a little string at a time until you couldn't see the kite anymore.
A jogger saw Timothy running, holding string, and asked "What are you doing?
Timothy replied,  "Flying my kite."  The jogger thought the kid was pulling his leg and laughed,  saying, "I don't see any kite.  How do you know there's a kite up there?"
And Timothy answered,  "I can feel the tug!"
That simple story has a profound meaning.  Isn't it the message of Easter faith?  We can't see the Risen Christ, we can't prove the Resurrection of our Lord.  But, as a Christian, don't you feel the irresistible tug of Christ on your life?
I feel the tug of Christ at work through you and other friends and family members who have given me comfort and encouragement since the death of Helen, my beloved wife of more than 60 years.
Thank you for your support.  Don't ever lose the Tug of Christ on your life.
With blessings and in friendship,
P. S.  We had 104 in attendance at church yesterday.  What a blessing!

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