Monday, November 22, 2010

2010.11.22 Monday Morning!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma. 
I suggest that at your Thanksgiving gathering someone read aloud Psalm 100.
To give thanks for specific reasons is reasonable.  In good conscience all of us can be thankful for the good things of life which we have received.
If, however, one of those specific reasons for thanksgiving is lost, can we still be thankful?  Yes we can if we cultivate an attitude of thanks toward all life.  An attitude of thankfulness sustains us and enhances purpose and meaning in all the situations we meet.
Shakespeare captured that truth in Henry VI:
       "O Lord that lends us life,
         Lend me a heart full of thankfulness."
A heart full of thankfulness is an attitude toward life itself.
That is the absolute character of genuine thanksgiving.
Consider thankfulness not for a day, but as a life long attitude.
Cheers and best wishes,

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