Monday, October 25, 2010

2010.10.25 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma.

Dare I get personal with you today?  Ordinarily I have an abundance of pep, lately I've been feeling very tired (lazy?).  A week ago I opened William Barclay's book of devotions and on the page that stared at me were these words:  "tiredness is often as much staleness as anything else."  Barclay went on to write that tiredness comes when ones personal resources have been over strained.  He illustrated his point with this example:

"When a car battery is must be brought into contact with a new source of electrical power from which it may be recharged."
Repeatedly, Jesus had to go into a lonely place to pray - to listen to God - so that his strength might be renewed.  What was necessary for Jesus is far more necessary for me.  How about you?  O Lord, keep me from going stale!

With Blessings and Cheers,

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