Monday, September 13, 2010

2010.09.13 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma. It will be a good day if you put a smile on your face. Smiles rejuvenate tired spirits and lost happiness.

A happy life is God's will for you! William Barclay, a beloved New Testament professor at Trinity College, Glasgow, Scotland, wrote "For a happy life three things are necessary: Something to hope for. Something to do. Someone to love."

He then went on to write a timely message for today:

"Something to hope for: The beginning of the end of life is when we live in memory rather than in hope; when our memories are an escape from prison rather than a stimulus for further living.

"Something to do: Anyone who can look to days of unemployment or a time of enforced inactivity, when the hours seem slow and empty, knows that work is not a curse but a blessing.

"Someone to love: When love enters life there comes a new thrill, a new awareness of possibilities undreamed of. When love is born, life and the world are renewed."

Give thanks for the influence of those who have blessed your life, and then live usefully, with hope and love.


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