Monday, April 5, 2010

2010.04.05 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

"The Lord takes pleasure in his people" - Psalm 149:4. That God delights in us is a neglected Bible insight. Whatever our gifts, great or small, when we exercise them to the full, God delights in us.

Sometimes we think our gifts are too little to be responsible for great things. Not true! in our personal lives little things play a greater role than we realize.

I have known single mothers who cared for their children, year after year, with inexhaustible love. I knew a delightful lady in my parish near Albany, NY who was stricken with polio. For years she had the 24/7 care and love of her husband and two teenage sons.

You know busy people with the capacity to bring cheer to the lonely and, who without being asked, reach out to help those in need.

Our little gifts give us an opportunity to do great things.

Cheers to you who are doing little things well. God delights in you!


1 comment:

  1. Richard, I'm so grateful to know you're writing this blog. Your post today reminds me of the many ways you have brought joy to our family. Many thanks!
