Monday, February 22, 2010

Thanks for the Photo of Our Church!

I would like to say a big
to Mrs. Kitty Brown for sending me the picture of Pilgrim Presbyterian Church that now resides on our Blog.  It really helps with making it a real part of the community!  I have also added a visitor counter per Richard's suggestion.  It is pretty low right now.  I hope, as does Richard, to see it climb rapidly!!

One more thing, if you have pictures of the our church, for example, special events or services or just wishing to share something about people in the Church community, please send them to me along with some text explaining what is going on at the event and I will see that they get up on our blog for everyone's benefit!



  1. And a big thanks to you Brian for bringing this Blog to life. What a great asset to our extended church. We are in the middle of a great remodeling project at our church and will be having a celebration soon. The old kitchen and nursery area will soon be a new kitchen and fellowship area. We felt the need for a fellowship area upstairs and thanks to a wonderful gift from Sarah Bruce's uncle, it is now a reality. We hope lots of our church family will come home to view our new facility.

    Thanks again Brian,
    Kitty Brown

  2. Hi Katherine,

    Thanks for the comment, actually it is people like yourself who actually interact with the blog that "Bring it to Life"! When the Remodeling Project is finished, please submit pictures or push someone with a digital camera to send me pictures. I really want to put these up. Richard will be so happy that others like yourself are taking part in this online project. It is another way that we can bring more life into our church even if we are not "Physically" able to get there!

    Love and Peace,
