Monday, April 6, 2009

2009.04.06 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma!

This is Monday of Holy Week, the most significant week of our Christian calendar. It is a week of joy (Palm Sunday), sorrow (Maundy Thursday and Good Friday) and triumph (Easter Sunday, the Resurrection of our Lord).

Life is like that: joy, sorrow, mixed feelings and triumph...bittersweet!

Our granddaughter was born in Holy Week. Our family was overjoyed; she was the first grandchild. In the midst of our joy, another family was gathered nearby in the waiting room experiencing the grief of life slipping away for their year old child.

Jesus knows the ups and downs of human feelings and emotions. Life, bittersweet as it is, beckons us to move forward into an unknown future certain that our Resurrected Lord is God with us. That is central to our year 'round Easter faith.

A blessed, Happy Easter to you and your loved ones near and far.

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