Monday, April 20, 2009

2009.04.20 Monday Morning!

Monday Morning greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, still located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma.

Have you ever heard of another Presbyterian Church named "Pilgrim Church"?  If you have, let me know.  It is a common name among Congregationalists.  I love the name.  After all, we are pilgrims on a journey.

Early in the 19th century, Presbyterians and Congregationalists agreed to avoid missionary and outreach competition.  Arrangements were made for Congregationalists to establish churches in New England and Presbyterians to move westward in upstate New York.

Those arrangements are still visible.  Today one sees few Presbyterians in the New England states and few Congregational churches in the Mohawk Valley of New York.

The first Congregational Church in Vinita was founded in 1879.  Three years later a Presbyterian Church was organized.

In 1947 the two Vinita churches united and the congregation was named "Pilgrim Presbyterian Church".  One of the last members of the Congregational Church, Jim Humble, died recently.  His daughter, Jewell Morgan is an elder in Pilgrim Church, which she serves faithfully.

The Congregational Church in America is now known as The United Church of Christ.

Thought you might be interest in a snippet of history.

All the best,

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