Sunday, February 22, 2009

2009.02.23 Monday Morning! #2

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma!

Ash Wednesday, February 25, begins our Lenten journey. Lent offers us an opportunity for self-examination, which I know is important in my life. Why are there times when I think I have to be right and everyone else is wrong? Pride? Maybe! When those times assail me I try to think of the "cockroach theory".

Have you heard about that theory?

There was a scientist who was convinced he could teach a cockroach to respond to oral commands.
He set out to prove this theory and worked for months. He repeatedly said JUMP while his finger was extended before the roach. Finally the roach did jump. He was elated; his notion was correct.
Then he decided to carry the experiment further. He cut off the front legs of the roach and said JUMP. The roach, in time, did manage to get over his finger.
Next the scientist took off the rear set of legs. When he said JUMP the roach just laid there motionless.
Dismayed the scientist took out his notebook and made this entry: "When a cockroach's legs are removed, deafness occurs."

God save me from having to prove myself right all the time!

Amen and amen,

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