Sunday, February 15, 2009

2009.02.16 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes to you, wherever you are, from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma.

It was almost ten years ago that a stray dog appeared on the doorstep of our son, Owen, and his wife, Lori.  They had a small dog who wasn't very gracious about an intruder in her backyard.  So my wife, Helen and our daughter convinced me that we should welcome this black part Chow, part Retriever into our household.  We named him Bendigo, a derivative of a Welsh word for blessing. Pets are wonderful!

Sadly, there are people who seem to get their kicks being cruel to "dumb animals".  Recent news stories in a Tulsa newspaper tell of a soldier, home on leave who is charged for dragging a dog, tied behind his vehicle, until he was half dead.

I hope no one reading these Monday Morning messages will ever do a cruel thing to an animal.  Cruelty is always ugly and cruelty to helpless animals is an exceptionally cruel thing.  Kindness is a universal language, understood even by our pets!


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