Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Voice of the Pilgrim Presbyterian Church
Vinita, Oklahoma             February, 2012

A Pastoral Letter

Dear friends,
Greetings and best wishes from all of us at Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Vinita, Oklahoma.  We are a congregation with a big heart overflowing with loving care and concern.  I know this to be true from personal experience.  Because of poor health, I have had to resign as part time pastor.  Friends in the congregation have overwhelmed me with their kindness.
So...this is "Thanksgiving time for me"...KUDOS to Jewell Morgan, church secretary at Pilgrim Church, and Brian Dishman, editor of the Pilgrim Church Blog.  They have kept our "on site, on line" ministry on track.
...Thanks to each of you who have sent cards and notes.  Each one has buoyed my spirit.
...Thanks for the food, for the thoughts and prayers, which have helped me regain strength.
...The attractive, unique album you have given me is filled with beautiful words from cover to cover.  Sentiments in the album are humbling, especially those I know to be a little exaggeration.
And, I am thankful to friends in Grace Presbyterian Church, Grove, where I served for six years as a part-time minister, and to members of John Knox Church, Tulsa, where I was pastor for more than ten years, for comfort and concern.
I shall always cherish the friendship of each of you.
With blessings and affectionate regard,

With thanks we acknowledge the following for their gifts of poinsettias during this Advent-Christmas:
Jim Shelton - In memory of Bill Shelton and sisters Jill and Jody.
Jeanne Cowley - in memory of Don Cowley and Kent Cowley
Irene Conine - in honor of children and grandchildren
Toni Moore - in memory of Francis & Mildred Goodpaster and Charles Moore and in honor of children.
Fred & Janie York - in memory of Nena York, Margaret & Bill York and in honor of AnnaBelle Mitchell and John & Louise Gullett.
Jewelll Morgan - in memory of James & Ruth Humble, Jeane Humble Martin and Bill Morgan.
Sue Ratcliff in memory of Hugh & Ruth Ratcliff, Bobby Ratc liff, Howard & Florence Nichols.
Sarah Bruce - in memory of Claude & Ella Ruth Sledd and James Kennedy Kerr.
Victoria Vazquez - in memory of Bob Mitchell, Clay Mitchell and Nena Mitchell York and in honor of AnnaBelle Mitchell.
Pilgrim Church - in memory of Helen Evans


Please remember the following individuals in your daily prayers: 

Richard Evans – Our minister
Dilys Evans – Richard's daughter
Mary Draper – Church member
AnnaBelle Mitchell – Church member
John and Louise Gullett – Janie's parents
Patricia Hemphill – Friend of the Church
Dave Hennigan – Friend of the Noggles
Joan Dirmyer – Relative of the Noggles
Dee Ann George – friend of the Rapps
Larry Skaggs – Friend of Todd Mariner
Carolyn Ratcliff Cook – Jim Ratcliff's sister

Men and women serving in the military forces, and their families

AnnaBelle Mitchell was moved to skilled nursing after surgery.
 Her new address is Parks Edge Nursing & Rehab, 515 E. 51st St., Room 101F, Tulsa, OK 74135.
She has a phone in her room.  918-610-3850.  She loves receiving mail.

As a congregation, we have been praying for the family of Brett Forbes for the past year.

Brett is married to the former Kristi Davis.  They have two children Tanner and Kenzi.   Brett is with the 1st Cavalry and was stationed at Ford Hood.  He just returned from his 3rd tour in Iraq.  This is part of the email we received from Kristi.

---Thank you to everyone.  All the prayers that everyone has been saying are what has gotten our family through the last two deployments.  It is only by God’s grace that we have been made a stronger family through the distance of this deployment.  We have gone through 2 deployments in the past 3 years and some people may think that is just the worst thing ever, but to us, it has been a gift that God has given to us. He has allowed us to grow as a family and to grow as individuals.  But most importantly He has brought us closer to Him.  Brett was originally supposed to return home after the New Year and then, due to the government agreement with Iraq, his unit was to be back before Dec. 31.  Due to the job he holds, he was to be one of the last people out of Iraq, but he was surrounded by God’s angels throughout the entire deployment and one of them made sure he was back for Christmas.  Brett returned home on Christmas Eve, which next to the birth of our Saviour, is probably the best gift that our family has ever been given,  I will never be able to thank everyone who has kept us in their prayers throughout the past few years but please know that it really makes me feel loved.

Thank you and I wish you all the best.

Kristi (Davis) Forbes



To glorify God through worship, service, and prayer.
To know God's redeeming love and forgiveness
To nurture each other through fellowship and education

"Write it on your heart, everyday
is the best day of the year."

Pilgrim Management Board

Jim Shelton 2012

Sue Ratcliff 2013
Irene Conine 2014

Burroughs Manor Board
Joyce Dishman 2012
Fred York 2013
Sarah Bruce 2014

Burroughs Manor Trustees
Wally Olson 2012
Keith Cresap 2013
Kitty Brown 2014


Session Members Deacons 

(Class of ’12)              (Class of ’12) 
Joyce Dishman            Jim Dishman 
Wally Olson                Dianne Rapp 
Jim Shelton 

(Class of '13)                  (Class of '13)
Keith Cresap                 Jeanne Cowley
Fred York                      Toni Moore
Sue Ratcliff                  Jan Clark-Haney

(Class of ’14)                 (Class of ’14)
Irene Conine                    Liz Logan 
    Kitty Brown               Shirley Spaulding 

Church email:
Church blog:
The Reverend Fran Callaway has been appointed Moderator of our Session by the Committee on Ministry of Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery.

This Month

11 - Olivia Given
16 - Toni Moore
17 - Linda Burger
22 - Lindsey (Olson) Wells

Richard seems to be doing better and has written the above pastoral letter and has sent Monday Morning Messages.  

His address is Dr. Richard Evans,
5123 S. Hudson Place, Tulsa 74135.
Mary Draper’s address is:
St. Simeon’s, 3701 N. Cincinnati, Tulsa, 74106.
Sunday, February 12 - “Bring your Favorite Side Dish” meal.  Meat, dessert, bread and drinks are provided by the Deacons.  Sunday is also Birthday Sunday.

Organ Recital
A dedicatory organ recital featuring Bill Flannery, adjunct professor or organ at NEO will be held at the Holy Ghost Catholic Church on Sunday, Feb. 12 at 2:00 p.m. with a reception to follow.  Mr. Flannery will be playing the new three-manual digital Allen organ recently installed at the Catholic Church.  He comes to Vinita weekly to instruct five Vinita organists; Linda Burger, Joyce Dishman, Carole Castor, Dorene Logan and Kay Zapt.  The public is cordially invited to this event.

Notes from the Session:

Session met on Sunday, Jan. 22nd with 8 Elders, Treasurer Terry Brown, and Moderator Judy Henderson.  Terry reported the following Treasurer's report for December:  Beginning Balance was $2,083.99, Total Receipts were $57,353.86, Expenditures were $3,340.32, and the Closing Balance was $56,097.53.

The Clerk reported the marriage of Paige Sutton to Caleb Joseph Archambo with Lindey Leforce presiding on January 7, 2012.  Also, Elders Kitty Brown, Sarah Bruce, and Irene Conine were installed for 2nd terms on Session.  Shirley Spauling was installed for a 2nd term as Deacon, and Liz Logan was ordained and installed as a Deacon.  The lists of Lay Assistants and the Elders and Deacons who will be preparing Communion were  distributed.

Irene reported for the Worship Committee that Session will plan to rotate ministers to fill the pulpit for the next few months.  Joyce Dishman gave the year-end Mission report during the Congregational Meeting.  Our church doubled the $2,780.00 budgeted for Missions.

Elders have been meeting with Jewell during January to update the Active and Inactive Rolls.  Session hopes to have a new Directory ready for distribution in February.

Two new exercise classes are now meeting in the church basement:  Tamala Swartzentruber's Aerobics and Zumba classes from 5 to 6:30 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and Debbie's Exercise classes on Tuesday and Thursday at the same time.

Reverend Judy Henderson announced a new Malawi Twinning project which will include Pilgrim Church with Msongwee congregation in Mzuzu South Africa.

Session elected the following officers:  Sue Ratcliff, Clerk, Terry Brown, Treasurer, Kitty Brown, Trustee, Irene Conine, Pilgrim Management Board, and Sarah Bruce, Burroughs Manor Board.  Sarah Bruce and Irene Conine will serve as Commissioners to Presbytery.

The Worship Assistant for February will be Sarah Bruce, and Communion will be prepared on Sunday, February 5th by Toni Moore.  The next Session meeting will be held on Sunday, February 19th.

Notes from the Deacons:
The Deacons met on Jan 22 with 7 Deacons present.

They planned the first dinner to be on Feb. 12. This is a “Bring Your Favorite Side Dish” Dinner. Meat and bread will be furnished. Two more meals are in the planning stage, One on April 1st (Palm Sunday) which will be a breakfast brunch. Then on July 1st a Pot Luck Meal.

Pam Noggle and Joyce Dishman will have the February Birthday Sunday and after church treats. Dianne Rapp and Shirley Spaulding will do the treats in March. If you don’t want to do a whole month, find a partner and share the month. The fellowship time is so important and enjoyed by all.

Bingo at Burroughs was discussed. The residents are really enjoying playing and seeing some new faces. Three to four Pilgrims are needed each month for this. Bingo is on the 3rd Sat of the month from 2 - 3 p.m. We also serve cookies following bingo and store bought cookies are fine. Anna Restucher was winner of of lap robe made by Pam Noggle.

Toni Moore, reporting

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