Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pilgrims Progress Newsletter October 2011


Voice of the Pilgrim Presbyterian Church
Vinita, Oklahoma October, 2011

A Pastoral Letter

Dear friends,

Death in the midst of life hits us all sooner or later. Most of us have met it in the loss of someone close to us. In bereavement, faith can soften the feeling of desolation, but can do little to make less natural human grief.

Blessed are those with a family circle to which they can turn in bereavement. But often children may have moved and are not readily accessible. And, there are many who have no children.

One source of healing in bereavement is the use of memory. There is a justifiable form 'of living in the past'. To remember incidents that provoke laughter or evoke a quiet smile of happiness are part of the gift of loving and being loved.

Memory, of course, causes us to recall the bad with the good, missed opportunities, hurtful words, silly mistakes. Thankfully, God's mercy does forgive our blindness and wrong doing.

There is one other helpful source of strength in bereavement. That is the Christian hope of life beyond death. Read Romans 8:35, 37-39. This throws grieving back upon the vitality of a person's faith in God.

To know God in Jesus Christ is to possess the power to meet bereavement victoriously.

With affectionate regards to a wonderful congregation, and in friendship,


"The Church is essentially a fellowship"



Please remember the following individuals in your daily prayers: 
Richard Evans, John Burckhalter, Mary Draper, Vera Tresler, Louise Gullett, John Gullett, Patricia Hemphill. Pat Robinson, Dee Ann George, Joan Dirmyer, Dee Ann George, Adele Davis, Clell Goodpaster Brett Forbes family serving in the military. Please also remember all service men and women.

We light the Peace Candle each Sunday and pray for all men and women currently serving in the military and their families, as well as for all who are suffering from war, persecution and terrorism.


Church birthdays are celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the Month 
– October 9th – Linda Burger will supply the birthday cake.

4 – Sue Ratcliff
7 – Ryder Vazquez
12 – Carter Given
15 – Cynthia Boatright
16 – John Turner
16 – AnnaBelle Mitchell
17 – Melba Shelton
19 – Chris Conine
28 – Jim Dishman

You may pick up your copy of
"These Days" in the Narthex.

Will be observed Sunday, October 2 at 10:00 a.m.
The Reverend Judy Henderson will serve Communion.

~~Notes from Session~~

The stated Session meeting opened at 11:15 a.m. on September 18, 2011 with prayer by Moderator Ann Wasson. Present were: Irene Conine, Keith Cresap, Joyce Dishman, Wally Olson, Sue Ratcliff, and Jim Shelton. Kitty Brown, Sarah Bruce, and Fred York were excused. Minutes of the August 21st minutes were approved.

Keith Cresap gave the Treasurer’s Report for the month of August 2011. Beginning Balance was $7,309.95, Receipts were $2,243.77, Expenditures were $3,731.20, and the Closing Balance was $5,822.52. The Treasurer’s Report was approved by common consent.

Also under the Treasurer’s Report was receipt of the EOP Report for Pilgrim Church , the 2012 Mission Pledge Form, and a letter to all Stewardship/Mission Committees, Sessions, and Pastors in EOP dated July 21, 2011.   Joyce Dishman will compile the figures for Mission giving during 2011.

Under the Pastor’s Report, Session received Richard’s resignation letter dated September 7, 2011. After further consultation with Session members, Richard withdrew his resignation on September 13, 2011. Wally Olson moved that Session approve Richard’s decision, there was a 2nd, and the motion carried.

Under the Clerk’s Report was a letter from EOP dated July 20, 2011, regarding the change in ordination standards in the Book of Order. EOP also included a copy of the Policies and Procedures Guide for the Work of the Session.

Under the Trustees’ Report, after some discussion, Wally Olson moved that the church manse be offered for sale to member Walter Rapp for $55,000.00, Irene Conine 2nd, and the motion carried.

Under Committee Reports, Irene is planning for special music during the Holiday Season. Under Mission and Outreach, Joyce reported that she had delivered the donations for Bundles for Babies and Blue Star Mothers. Joyce also noted that the Salvation Army food panty is very low and could use food and money donations. Wally Olson will be donating two beefs to the pantry in the near future.

Under New Business, Session approved the use of the church by member Jim Shelton on Friday, November 11th, and Saturday, November 12th, for the rehearsal dinner and wedding of Mary Kate Shelton and James Craven.

Session conducted the annual review of the composition of Session, Deacons, and Trustees regarding ethnicity, age, sex, and disabilities with regard to the make-up of the congregation. This information is useful for the Nominating Committee.

The Nominating Committee includes Sarah Bruce, Irene Conine, Jewell Morgan, Todd Mariner, and Walter Rapp. The committee will report to Session at the October 16th meeting.

Under Other Business, the Worship Assistant for October is Sue Ratcliff, and Communion will be prepared on Sunday, October 2nd, by Toni Moore.

The next Session meeting will be held on Sunday, October 16, 2011.

Ann Wasson, Moderator Sue Ratcliff, Clerk of Session

Thank you to:

  • Irene, Dianne, Shirley, Sarah, and Jewell for taking food to "Bridges Out of Poverty" student and leader participants.
  • Pam for her donations of "Blankets for Babies"
  • Irene for making sure we have a minister each Sunday.

~~Notes from Deacons~~

Bingo at Burroughs
We resumed our monthly bingo games at Burroughs Manor on Sat. Sept. 17th. A good crowd was on hand and a good time had by all. Jean Cowley and Diane Rapp shared calling the numbers. Walter Rapp, Jewell Morgan, Toni Moore were also in attendance. Cookies were served and everyone looking forward to next month when bingo will be on Sat. Oct 15th.

Next Deacons meeting will be October 16

Session Members                    Deacons

(Class of ’11)                       (Class of ’11)
Sarah Bruce                         Jewell Morgan
Irene Conine                      Shirley Spaulding
Kitty Brown

(Class of ’12)                       (Class of ’12)
Joyce Dishman                      Jim Dishman
 Wally Olson                         Dianne Rapp
  Jim Shelton

(Class of '13)                        (Class of '13)
Keith Cresap                        Jeanne Cowley
Sue Ratcliff                             Jan Haney
 Fred York                             Toni Moore

              2011                                 2011
October – Sue Racliff           Oct – Toni Moore
November- Jim Shelton        Nov – Wally Olson
December – Elders Share     Dec – Keith Cresap

The PPC mouse observed ----------
•Someone putting up a new curtain in the Pastor's restroom.  Could it have been Toni?
•Beautiful fall decorations appearing.   Was it Sarah?
•Cookies at the last minute.  Thanks Dianne.

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