Monday, September 19, 2011

2011.9.19 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma.

In tennis "love" stands for zero, no score. According to ASK OXFORD, the use of the word "love" originated from the phrase "love of the game."  Win or lose, tennis is played for the love of it.

In his definitive love chapter (1 Corinthians 13), Paul writes "love keeps no score of wrongs."  Isn't that wonderful? Love is not a system of book keeping.  Too many people keep a list of wrongs, imagined or real, and in a fit of anger unload the whole list on an unsuspecting spouse, family member or friend, none of whom realize that their words and actions were being documented.

Tension is part of every relationship, but tension can be good if it moves people into dialogue with one thoughts break open boundaries we may have placed on love.

We are not required to like everyone.  We may disagree with one another, but genuine love keeps no score of wrongs.   Play for the love of the game and live for the love of life.

Cheers and best wishes,


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