Monday, July 11, 2011

2011.7.11 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.
We are privileged to live in a democracy, with no political oppression. Yet, living in a land of freedom there are many inner tyrants which enslave us. Independence Day - the 4th of July - is a challenge to check chains which keep us in bondage.

What are some of these chains?
....blind prejuidice that prevents us from seeing people as they really are.
....superstitions that suffocate the mind and spirit.
....habits that rule over us.
....fears and anxieties that disturb our days and haunt our nights.
....greed that seeks status and phony values.
....jealousy that sours us, hatred that poisons us.
....self doubt that disables us.

Don't hesitate to get help to dethrone chains that prevent you from getting human freedom, to which Christ summons us.

Fond regards,

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