Monday, July 25, 2011

2011.7.25 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

Have you ever wondered why humor is lacking in our practice of the Christian life? When it comes to our religion, do we take ourselves too seriously. We speak of joy and praise, but when was the last time you heard laughter in a church service?

Are we so conditioned to be formal and proper that we repress humor and laughter while at worship? Why in church is solemnity viewed as a mark of piety and laughter a sign of irreverence?

There are a few Old Testament stories that may cause you to smile, even laugh. If there is any humor in the New Testament it is hidden to the casual reader.

Yet, I am sure that Jesus was not a humorless person. He loved parties, and sour people tend to shun parties. He took children in his arms, and I've never seen a person cuddle a baby or small child without a smile or a tender laugh.

Laughter is good for us. Humor has its way of preserving sanity in times of woe.
Should I laugh at this story, where the guest could well be me?

A young couple invited their elderly pastor for Sunday dinner. While they were in the kitchen preparing the meal, the minister asked their son what they were having.
"Goat," the little boy replied.
"Goat?" replied the startled pastor. "Are you sure about that?"
"Yes," said the youngster. "I heard Dad say to Mom, "Today is just as good as any to have the old goat for dinner!"

Blessed are you if you can laugh at yourself; for you shall never ceased to be amused.


Monday, July 18, 2011

2011.7.18 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.
One of my wishes is that you develop a good sense of humor.  Laughter is good medicine, the Bible tells us that.  Put a sparkle in your eyes, a smile on your face, and be sure to get one good belly laugh daily!
One of my elders, Sarah Bruce gave me a book entitled A Laugh a Day; others have sent me funny stories, and I'm going to share a couple with you today.  Watch for more in the weeks ahead.
A Jewish Rabbi and a Catholic Priest met at the town's annual 4th of July picnic.  Old friends, they began their usual banter.  "This baked ham is really delicious," the priest teased the Rabbi.  "You really ought to try it.  I know it's against your religion, but I can't understand why such a wonderful food should be forbidden.  You don't know what you are missing.  You just haven't lived until you've tried Mrs. Hall's prized Virginia Baked Ham.  Tell me, Rabbi, when are you going to break down and try it?" 
The Rabbi looked at the priest with a big grin, and said, "At your wedding!"
An elderly woman walked into the local country church.  The friendly usher greeted her at the door and helped her up a flight of steps.
    "Where would you like to sit?"  he asked politely.
    "The front row, please"  she answered.
    "You really don't want to do that," the usher said.  "The pastor is really boring."
    "Do you happen to know who I am?" the woman inquired.
    "No" he said.
    "I'm the pastor's mother,"  she replied indignantly.
    "Do you know who I am?" the usher asked.
    "No" she said.
    "Good!"  he answered.
Blessed are you if you can laugh at yourself;
for you shall never cease to be amused.

Monday, July 11, 2011

2011.7.11 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.
We are privileged to live in a democracy, with no political oppression. Yet, living in a land of freedom there are many inner tyrants which enslave us. Independence Day - the 4th of July - is a challenge to check chains which keep us in bondage.

What are some of these chains?
....blind prejuidice that prevents us from seeing people as they really are.
....superstitions that suffocate the mind and spirit.
....habits that rule over us.
....fears and anxieties that disturb our days and haunt our nights.
....greed that seeks status and phony values.
....jealousy that sours us, hatred that poisons us.
....self doubt that disables us.

Don't hesitate to get help to dethrone chains that prevent you from getting human freedom, to which Christ summons us.

Fond regards,

Monday, July 4, 2011

2011.7.4 Monday Morning!

Greetings to you and your loved ones on this 4th of July.  Let your celebration be joyful and safe.  And, thanks for visiting our "off site - on line" ... center ... of our Church Family, Pilgrim Presbyterian, in Vinita, Oklahoma.

My heart aches at every war casualty reported in your daily press.  I know the grief families are experiencing, and my prayer for each sorrowing person and family is not to lose hope and give up.  No power on earth can take from you the love you have experienced.  Difficult as it is, ask yourself what life is still expecting from you.  With an aim, with goals, you'll find reasons to carry on.

I have found that in the most difficult moments of my life a look to the future gives me courage and hope.  New challenges, new opportunities give me reasons to live in spite of my sorrows and sufferings.

There is purpose to our existence.  If you nuture your inner life you'll find the light of Christ will shine into your deepest darkness.
With love and in friendship,

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pilgrim's Progress, Newsletter for July 2011

Voice of the Pilgrim Presbyterian Church
Vinita, Oklahoma
July, 2011

A Pastoral Letter

Dear friends,

We don't always know what's going on inside our bodies.  I was pleased when a recent PET Imaging report read "No cancer in his body."  But, I still felt tired – fatigued.  That, with what I thought was an anxiety attack, forced me one night to go to a nearby Urgent Care Clinic.

I was advised to go to the hospital, which I did.  For the next couple of days I had, what seemed to me, an endless string of tests.  New health problems were disclosed.

A pacemaker was inserted in my chest, and I was send home promising doctors "to take it easy for awhile".   Apparently I'm too weak (or probably too old) for further treatment at the present.

To make a long story short,  Session has granted me a "leave of absence" until mid-September.  At that time our relationships will be evaluated.

I miss you already!  You are a gracious, caring congregation and I am proud and honored to be a part of Pilgrim's extended family.

Please pray for me as I pray for you.  I think of you at the ten o'clock Sunday morning hour as you gather for worship.

With blessings and affectionate regards.

"For freedom, Christ has set us free."

~~Notes from Session~~

Seven member of Session met informally on Sunday, June 26th.  Terry Brown submitted the May 2011 Treasurer's  Report.

Session approved placing the church manse for sale, and Bow Bailey has agreed to show the property to any prospects.  Session also approved the use of the church on August 6th or August 13th for Burroughs Manor activities under the direction of Paula Butcher.

Our Pastor, Richard Evans, has asked to take a leave of absence until Sunday, September 11, 2011. Richard will continue the Monday Morning and Blog ministry during this time.  Session approved Richard's request, and noted that we are looking forward to his return to the pulpit this fall.

Irene Conine, Worship Chairwoman, has been in charge of calling replacement pastors while Richard is away, and Session would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Irene.

The Worship Assistant for July will be Keith Cresap and Communion will be prepared on Sunday, July 10thby Sarah Bruce.  The Worship Assistant for August will be Joyce Dishman, and Communion will be prepared on Sunday, August 7th by Shirley Spaulding

Sue Ratcliff
Clerk of Session  


            Please remember the following individuals in your daily prayers: Richard Evans, John Burckhalter, Mary Draper, Vera Tresler,  Louise Gullett, John Gullett,  AnnaBelle Mitchell, Patricia Hemphill. Pat Robinson, Joan Dirmyer, Clell Goodpaster. Families of recent tornado tragedies.  Please also remember our service men and women.

AnnaBelle  and Melba are in Heartsworth House. Anna Bell is #114 and Melba #115  821 N. Foreman, Vinita, OK 74301.

       John Burckhalter is returning home July 2 after  eight months therapy in Tulsa.  Continue to keep him and the family in your prayers.

~~Notes from Deacons~~

Deacon's meeting
The Deacons met on June 19th to make plans for the Potluck Dinner to be held on June 26th.  Next meeting will the July 17th.
Next fellowship meal will be  a picnic in August.

Jewell Morgan, reporting

Church birthdays are celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the Month – July 10th – Toni Moore will supply the birthday cake.
July 4, Kitty Brown, 5 Jewell Morgan, 7 Madison Kroll, 12 Wally Olson, 14  Pat Boone, Blake and Mox Osburn, 20 Fred York, 22 Walter Rapp, 24 Emily York and Keith Cresap