Monday, March 14, 2011

2011.3.14 Monday Morning!

Top of this MONDAY MORNING from Pilgim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

The tendency to put off today until tomorrow things we already put off until today is not uncommon.  I'm guilty.  I've been putting off a collection of information for my tax accountant.  After all, the deadline isn't until April 18, or is it the 19th?

This "delay tendency" touches us all at many points of our lives.  When I retired I thought that I would have plenty of time to do things I couldn't do when working full time.  Not true for me, at least.

We live in this world that gives us one day at a time, without assurance of tomorrow.  Today is ours to do the things that need doing now.  Promptness is important, a virtue which includes worshipping with one's community of faith and renewing one's inner life through daily prayer and meditation.

I just had a phone call from my doctor's office reminding me of an appointment I have tomorrow.  Can't put that one off.

With blessings and in friendship,

Don't put off until tomorrow what should
be done today.  Our time is not limitless -
do what you ought to do now.

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